Infographics show diverse possibility by interactive technology, offering people visual information in an easy way to consume and share. The purpose of this study was aimed to analyze the association between "cognition mode" and "interactivity level" of infographics. The former consisted of five categories: "conversing", "instructing", "manipulating and navigation", "exploring and browser", and "mixed". The latter was divided into three levels of "high", "mid", "low". Through the survey of interactive infographics, a chi-squared test conducted to determine whether there is a significant difference among the distributions. Therefore, the three conclusions were drawn as follows: 1. The proposition of "exploring and browser" and "mixed" was the high among the categories of cognition mode, followed by "instructing" and "manipulating and navigation", and lastly "conversing". 2. The infographics of "mid" or "low" interactivity level were more those of "high" interactivity level. Additionally, a significant association existed between cognition mode and interactivity level. 3. The interactivity level of "low", "mid", and "high" level were usually adopted by the cognition of "instructing", "exploring and browser", and "manipulating and navigation". As for "mixed", it was frequently applied in both "mid" and "high" interactivity levels.
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