


Applying the Historical Interpretation in Curation Practices




葉茉俐(Mo-Li Yeh)


歷史表述 ; 策展 ; 文化創意 ; Historical Interpretation ; Curation Practices ; Cultural Creativity




22卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


73 - 92






Along with the worldwide flourishing of Cultural Creativity Industry, curative models which contain rich cultural contexts can reflect the international trend of diversified development. Within this essay, the "Chao-Dai" exhibition curated by National Museum of History will be used as the example. The essay intends to explore the process from the historical understanding to the practical realization of exhibitions. This Multiple approaches were employed in the study including interviews with experts in the field, observation of the exhibition environment and literature reviews. To reconstruct curator's original motif of creation, this study analyzed the historical context and organized the information into a "historical interpretation." Those abstractive historical interpretations were ultimately transformed into visualized exhibited elements, including historical cycle, historical layer, historical recovery, historical space and historical history. This model of historical interpretation could be applied into curation practices and through an organized exhibition to demonstrate a new value and ideology originated from traditional cultural history.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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