


Interpretation of the City Image Illustrated by Zi Hui Taiwan: From the Perspective of Semiotics




陳歷渝(Li-Yu Chen);謝文哲(Wen-Zhe Hsieh);吳彥(Yan Wu);楊偉星(Wei-Xing Yang)


符號學 ; 城市意象 ; 空間體驗 ; 字繪台灣 ; 文化創意 ; Semiotic ; City Image ; Spatial Experience ; Zi-Hui Taiwan(字繪台灣)




22卷2期(2019 / 12 / 01)


93 - 120






The image of the City refers to the feeling inspired in people by various symbols engendered by a city, and symbols comprise those in the lifestyle domain, such as food, clothing, housing, travel, and recreation; city image is also a representation of life created by people in a city. Different cities produce different images due to the city's economy, culture, and development. Through use of the Internet or map systems, people can easily view realistic photos of a city and imagine the city without visiting the scene in person. Cities in drawings are infused with the artist's imagination, and although the imagination is not necessarily consistent with reality, it is full of the artist's interpretation and expectation. In a work depicting a city, the drawer's understanding of the city image depicted can surely be discerned. Viewers can understand the city's development and change through the drawing and also understand the mood of the artist when drawing the work. Semeiotic, as a human science that analyzes the meaning of signs, can be used as an instrument for analyzing the meaning of artistic works. Therefore, this study investigated the characteristics of drawings of pictures in the book Zi Hui Taiwan (字繪台灣) from a semeiotic perspective. The aim was to investigate whether the different spatial experiences of drawers influence their process of drawing city images. The spatial experience factors included perception level of Taiwan, forms of expression, and themes of drawings. We studied the artists according to their basic characteristics and backgrounds and explored the factors through Semeiotic and city image theories. Specifically, we attempted to understand whether each drawer's thinking process, drawing concept, and drawing expression could be connected to the depicted targets, which would enable us to verify that life experience and drawing expression are closely related and inseparable.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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