


Tactile Information Processing Model of the Young Visually Impaired and Life Product Design Study




黃信夫(Hsin-fu Huang);莊皓宇(Hao-Yu Chuang);黃聖元(Sheng-Yuan Huang)


視覺障礙者 ; 觸覺 ; 產品使用 ; 觸覺資訊處理模型(TIPM) ; Visually Impaired People ; Tactile ; Product Operation ; Tactile Information Processing Model (TIPM)




23卷1期(2020 / 07 / 01)


61 - 82






People can operate the product smoothly with the aid of visual senses. However, visually impaired people need to rely on other senses because of lack of visual perception. In this study, experiment was mainly to explore the behavioral characteristics of visually impaired people when they manipulated products through touch. Through experiment, a tactile information processing model (TIPM) centered on visually impaired users was constructed. In Experiment, seven visually impaired people were invited to use three products, including thermos, traditional phones and smart touch phones. The results showed that the entity interface-oriented products are significantly better than the flat interface-oriented product in the mission completion time. The entity interface-oriented products have obvious object features that can assist the visually impaired to perform related product operation tasks. In contrast, the products that are oriented by the flat-touch interface have no obvious features, and the visually impaired people need to perform the operation task through the prompt of the special voice interface. Based on the above findings, this study summarized a tactile information processing model(TIPM) centered on visually impaired users. The results of this study will contribute to the development of related visually impaired assistive products.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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