


Exploring the Preservation of Industrial Heritage Based on the Integrity of Historic Sites- Using the Space Narrative of Wharf Warehouse No.2 and No.3 in Keelung Harbor as Example




何黛雯(Tai-wen Ho)


歷史場所 ; 整體性 ; 產業文化資產 ; 場所精神 ; historic sites ; integrity ; industrial heritage ; Genius Loci




24卷1期(2021 / 07 / 01)


53 - 90




歷史建築保存的整體性(Integrity)探討,關乎大眾對於歷史場所(Historic sites)的認知,歷史場所的強調,亦是對於歷史建築保存的重視。然而,台灣當代在歷史建築保存卻多以關照建築物的單體物質本身,忽略了場所脈絡的討論。歷史場所的整體性討論亦關乎保存價值特徵的詮釋與呈現,以及場所精神(Genius Loci)的意義述說。本文以2005年文化多樣性公約與2008年ICOMOS《魁北克宣言》場所精神論題出現的脈絡歷程為基礎,以及國際工業遺產保護委員會(TICCIH)於2012年《亞洲工業遺產台北宣言》後,考察臺灣產業文化資產保存修復實務上,對於文化資產所在的歷史場所的整體性保存觀念的時勢問題,並以基隆港築港岸壁西二西三碼頭倉庫保存之空間敘事為例。當文化資產作為敘事的文本或事件,以敘事視為詮釋的方法,作為一種行動或再現,意義透過主體意識的視域開展,得以體會。研究方法主要以實地田野觀察、訪談與文本分析,包括:學術研究、規劃報告、研討會、審議會議記錄等進行探討。本文嘗試揭示台灣產業文化資產對於歷史場所的整體性認知的重新開啟,同時透過空間敘事的作用,地景關連存在的整體意義生產,開展台灣產業文化資產保存對於歷史場所精神的理解。


Discussions in the integrity of preserved historic sites is reliant on the public's understanding of these sites, their emphasis, and the level of importance placed on preserving historic sites. However, the preservation of modern architecture in Taiwan mainly acknowledge the material substance of a building and neglects the historical context of the site. Historic buildings exist within the context of a site as all historic events take place within, meaning conservation of a site also bears witness to historic events. The general discussion of the historic site is relevant to the interpretation and presentation of valuable characteristics as well as the meaning of Genius Loci. This paper will survey Taiwan's practices in preserving industrial heritage and the issues of general preservation concepts for the integrity of historic sites based on the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, the 2008 ICOMOS "Quebec Declaration", as well as the 2012 TICCIH "Taipei Declaration". This paper will focus on case study of preserving the West Wharf No.2 and No.3 Warehouses in Keelung Harbor. The horizons of the subjective consciousness is expanded in order to experience a historic site through interpretations of texts or events as a method of action or recreation. This paper details the aspects of concept, awareness and aspects of regulation, equipment issues of execution during the processes of determining the value and scope of preservation as well as reviewing of restoration designs. Primary research methods include field survey, interviews, and literature analysis including: the exploration of academic research, plans and reports, seminars, and meeting minutes. Through the case study of literary theory interfering with practical experience. This paper will attempt to disclose general awareness of Taiwan's industrial heritage towards reopening of historic sites while simultaneously utilize the narrative of space and relationships with landscape that produce the meaning of integrity to develop an understanding in the Genius Loci of historic sites of Taiwan's industrial heritage preservation.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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