


Exploring the Factors in Pleasure Design of Religious Souvenirs




顏惠芸(Hui-Yun Yen)


宗教文化 ; 愉悅設計 ; 產品設計 ; 眼動追蹤 ; Religious Culture ; Pleasure Design ; Product Design ; Eye-tracking




24卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 24






Religious event appeases public feeling appeasement at every difficult time. Religion in contemporary has shifted from sacredness to science, and then from science to consumption. The public seeks solace and satisfaction from the consumption of products, which is an advantage of religious cultures. Therefore, applying the concept of pleasure design to religious products can enhance the connotations of religious culture. The present study aims to adopt the concepts of pleasure design in terms as the study theoretical framework of religious souvenirs and explore the pleasure factors of religious products and their influence on consumers' preferences. A Likert scale was implemented to measure the levels of the ten products for the ten religious places. The results show that 1. the religious product pleasant design evaluation scale developed in this study is practical; 2. religious products with resonance design significance have a higher sense of pleasure thus design pleasant products from the perspective of consumers; 3. through eye-tracking experiments, it is found that the characteristics of popular religious products include having diverse shapes, exquisite drawings, strong style, cultural connotation, and images rich in context.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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