


Legal Protection for Freedom of Privacy of Correspondence to Mail Items




李郁強(Yuh-Chuang Lee);趙俊祥(Chun-Shiang Chao)


秘密通訊自由 ; 郵政法 ; 郵件 ; 禁寄物品 ; freedom of privacy of correspondence ; Postal Act ; mail items ; contraband




64卷7期(2013 / 07 / 01)


87 - 113






Postal Act Article 10 was amended in April of 2011 as follows: "Neither Chunghwa Post nor its employees may open items of mail belonging to others except when they obtain the consent of the sender or the addressee under the conditions that substantial evidence suggests the mail items containing Contraband to be sent through the mail, the received preferential rate does not apply, or there has been a violation of postal regulations. (Paragraph 1) Proof of inspection shall be issued upon the inspection is completed as mentioned in the previous paragraph. In the event that the sender or the addressee refuses the request of inspection, Chunghwa Post may decline to accept or deliver the said items of mail. (Paragraph 2) Add "consent by the sender or the addressee" as an exception that the items of mail may be opened up. The said amendment ensures improved security of privacy, however, it is still inadequate. This paper argues that the Postal contraband, Postal preferential rate not applicable, or Postal regulations being violated, should not be treated under the same way. Furthermore, there is neither definition of Postal contraband, nor regulation on how to treat Postal contraband, therefore, foreign laws are taken for reference to propose the advised future amendment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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