


Successor Liability and Cost-Sharing in Hazard Prevention Law




李介民(Chieh-Min Lee)


行為責任 ; 狀態責任 ; 緊急狀況 ; 責任繼受 ; 成本負擔 ; 成本分擔 ; Behavier Liability ; State Liability ; Emergency ; Successor Liability ; Cost Burden ; Cost-Sharing




65卷12期(2014 / 12 / 01)


43 - 68






Pollution caused by residual contamination remains so far, for the purpose to prevent the damage and interruption to public interests and public order. It is necessary for the state to take the initiative to require the perpetrator liable for avoiding contamination expanding and renovation afterward.This study investigates that when a person or a business violates his legal liability and is required to be responsible for reversion of the contaminated object, but afterward the contaminated object is transferred to the other (for example, the business is merged into anther), does that the other inherit the responsibility for reversion? Secondly, when there are multiple wrongdoers who are liable for the contamination, and the government chooses one or several of them to take the responsibility, is it possible for that one(s) to claim to the other perpetrators afterward. Another issue is that when the perpetrator, either individual or a business, is unable or unwilling to take the responsibility of remediation, can the government claim to the perpetrator for its cost to solve contamination for the purpose to maintain human health and ecological environment. Similarly, the mutual claims of indemnity and apportionment among the privates for the cost-sharing after they take the remediation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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