


A Study on Interrelational Disputes between the Ownership and Usufruct of Specific Parking Spaces in a Condominium Building-Commentary on Supreme Court Tai-Shan-Zi No. 2118 (2013) Civil Division




楊智守(Chih-Shou Yang)


區分所有建物 ; 停車位 ; 專有 ; 分管 ; 規約 ; A Condominium Building ; Parking Spaces ; Individual Unit ; Separate-Management ; Condominium Regulations




66卷4期(2015 / 04 / 01)


80 - 114






Three steps should be applied in determining the attribution of the usufruct of a specific parking space in a condominium building. First, the legal nature of a specific parking space is decisive to whether the ownership of that parking space can be legally transferred to the one with no exclusive ownership of the condominium. Second, since the legally-conceptual usufruct of a specific parking space cannot be reified unless by virtue of separate-management contract or condominium regulations, the corresponding relationship exists between the usufruct and the ownership of a parking space. Third, the purchaser of the usufruct of a specific parking space cannot take advantage of his usufruct-purchase contract as a legal defense against the one having held the usufruct of that parking space through the abovementioned corresponding relationship. Therefore, in resolving disputes regarding the attribution of above-mentioned usufruct, the court has to first define the legal nature of a specific parking space, and then clarify the source of right from which the usufruct of that parking space is reified, and the relationship to which that usufruct is corresponding. Taiwan Supreme Court Tai-Shan-Zi No. 2118 Civil Judgment (Decided Nov. 7, 2013) reversed the lower court judgment on the ground that it fails to clarify fundamental facts relevant to the acquisition of the ownership and usufruct of a specific parking space in the case, and didn't elucidate the corresponding relationship between the usufruct and ownership of that parking space. The Supreme Court did point out several factual errors for reversing and remanding; however, it lacks sufficient clarification over legal issues mentioned above.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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