


A Research of Present Situation and Challenges of Patients' Autonomy in Taiwan




張婷(Ting Chang)


病人自主權利法 ; 病人自主 ; 安寧緩和醫療條例 ; 預立醫療決定 ; 意願書 ; Patient Self-determination Act ; Patient Autonomy ; Hospice Palliative Care Act ; Advance Medical Decision ; Letter of Intent




68卷3期(2017 / 03 / 01)


122 - 139






The theme of this article is to analyze patient autonomy. Patient autonomy has been positioned as human right and scoped by the international trend, thus has caused influence to the physician-patient relationship. In Taiwan, the legal development of patient autonomy has been through several laws such as the "Medical Care Act," "Hospice Palliative Care Act," and "Patient Self-determination Act." Before executing the "Patient Self-determination Act," it's necessary to look back and look forward this patient autonomy issue. Parties like competent authority, medical care institutions, medical personnel, patients and relatives consider the patient autonomy issue in different perspectives, which includes the following: fair distribution of limited medical resources and efficiency maximization, risk management to reduce medical malpractices to uphold patient safety, the premise of respecting patient autonomy is not to contradict medical autonomy and physicians should obey their legal duties, and patients, relatives, and medical personnel, etc. should participate and communicate values earlier to clarify patients' needs. No matter which perspective each party uses or whether letter of content or advance medical decision is signed to highlight patient autonomy, it's highly related to the level of valuing and implementing life education in the society. This article considers that national health insurance has provides a world known safe medical environment protection in Taiwan and this creates a good condition to come up with the first "Patient Self-determination Act" in Asia. The next step challenges the foundation and cultivation of life education when implementing patient autonomy in Taiwanese society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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