


A Study on the Protection of Animal’s Right in Aquatic Experiment




蔡達智(Dennis Tsai)


實驗動物 ; 水產實驗動物 ; 動物保護 ; 動物福利 ; 動物權 ; Laboratory Animal ; Aquatic Laboratory Animal ; Animal Protection ; Animal Welfare ; Animal Rights




68卷5期(2017 / 05 / 01)


108 - 129






The experimental animal shall be protected but compromised with the right to freedom of research under the Constitutional Law. From the peer review of processing animal experiments inside the labs to the freedom of information of animal and the best care and hospitality to the testing animals, every single rule and regulation seemly have some space to be improved. We should pay more attention and improve the reasonable measurements to the laboratory aquatic animals as they may not attract too much concerns for their proper welfare protection. Among all the possible improvement for the welfare cares, one of the most important method is, getting the necessity lab’s information. By this way, the open lab’s information could let all the people, including the groups of animal protection, to check out whether the labs exercise the due process for the testing animal under the animal protection law. This would be a hard work but worthy to pay for it. Otherwise, the animal protection law may be lip service only without any force but leading conflicts caused by misunderstandings among people and professional experts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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