






68卷8期(2017 / 08 / 01)


164 - 168



主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
  1. 江朝聖(2016)。走出內線交易犯罪所得計算泥沼之嘗試—兼評最高法院104 年度台上字第2932 號刑事判決。東海大學法學研究,48,117-168。
  2. U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York (2014), SAC Capital Portfolio Manager Mathew Martoma Found Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court Of Insider Trading Charges, Press Release, https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/nys/pressreleases/February14/MathewMartomaVerdictPR.php (last visited: 2016/10/25).
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  4. Goldstein, Matthew (2014b), Martoma Starts Serving 9-Year Sentence for Insider Trading, The NewYork Times, http://nyti.ms/1qIUNNQ (last visited: 2016/10/25).
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  6. 立法院(2003b),〈繼續審查行政院函請審議「銀行法」、「金融控股公司法」、「票券金融管理法」、「信託業法」、「信用合作社法」、「保險法」及「證券交易法」等法案部分條文修正草案案〉,《立法院公報》,92 卷44 期( 上), 頁51-72。
  7. 立法院(2004b),〈「銀行法」、「金融控股公司法」、「票券金融管理法」、「信託業法」、「信用合作社法」、「保險法」及「證券交易法」等部分條文修正草案審查案—協商後處理〉,《立法院公報》,93卷4 期(上),頁184。
  8. 立法院(2004a),〈「銀行法」、「金融控股公司法」、「票券金融管理法」、「信託業法」、「信用合作社法」、「保險法」及「證券交易法」等部分條文修正草案審查案—協商後處理〉,《立法院公報》,93卷2 期(上),頁123-215。
  9. Goldstein, Matthew (2014a), Martoma, SAC Capital Ex-Trader, Gets 9 Years in Prison, The New York Times, http://nyti.ms/1lNFd0B (last visited: 2016/10/25).
  10. 立法院(2004d),〈立法院民進黨黨團,針對「證券交易法第171 條條文」提出復議案—另定期處理〉,《立法院公報》,93 卷6 期(一),頁355-356。
  11. 立法院(2004e),〈立法院民進黨黨團針對「證券交易法第171 條條文」提出復議案—另定期處理〉,《立法院公報》,93 卷19 期( 上),頁32。
  12. 立法院(2003c),〈繼續審查行政院函請審議「銀行法」、「金融控股公司法」、「票券金融管理法」、「信託業法」、「信用合作社法」、「保險法」及「證券交易法」等法案部分條文修正草案〉,《立法院公報》,92 卷49 期( 下), 頁287-315。
  13. Black, Nicole(2010).United States v. Nacchio and the implications of an emerging circuit split: Practical and policy considerations of amending financial gain as a measure of culpability.Denver University Law Review,87(3),633-668.
  14. Chattin, Danielle DeMasi(2011).The more you gain, the more you lose: Sentencing insider trading under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.Fordham Law Review,79(1),165-215.
  15. Coffee, John C.(2005).Loss causation after Dura: Something for everyone.New York Law Journal,231,883-924.
  16. Colesanti, J. Scott(2011).Wall Street as Yossarian:The other effects of the Rajaratnam insider trading conviction.Hofstra Law Review,40(2),411-435.
  17. Connolly, Erica(2012).Playing hot potato in the market: The Ninth Circuit's better approach to calculating loss for securities fraud sentencing.Hastings Law Journal,63(2),567-594.
  18. Cross, Frank B.(2009).Theory and Practice of Statutory Interpretation.Stanford:Stanford University Press.
  19. Debold, D.,Benjamin, M.(2011)."Losing ground" - In search of a remedy for the overemphasis on loss and other culpability factors in the Sentencing Guidelines for fraud and theft.University Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra,160(1),141-157.
  20. Driggers, Anna(2012).Raj Rajaratnam's historic insider trading sentence.American Criminal Law Review,49(4),2021-2041.
  21. Greenawalt, Kent(2012).Statutory and Common Law Interpretation.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  22. Gutmann, Amy(Ed.)(1997).A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law.Princeton:Princeton University Press.
  23. Jones, James A., II(2011).United States v. Berger: The rejection of civil loss causation principles in connection with criminal securities fraud.Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts,6(4),273-284.
  24. Jung, Soo Ji(2014).U.S. v. Rajaratnam - No "gain" without pain: Amending the Sentencing Guidelines for insider trading to better reflect the rapidly evolving financial industry.New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement,40(2),295-312.
  25. Katzmann, Robert A.(2014).Judging Statutes.New York:Oxford University Press.
  26. Manning, John F.(1997).Textualism as a nondelegation doctrine.Columbia Law Review,97(3),673-739.
  27. Nevins, Stephanie(2010).Nacchio profits: The Tenth Circuit in United States v. Nacchio properly departs from the Eighth Circuit in United States v. Mooney and adopts the civil remedy of disgorgement to measure an inside trader's gain under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.Creighton Law Review,43,1107-1155.
  28. Padgett, Amy Dominick(2011).United States v. Nacchio: TheTenth Circuit's civil approach to sentencing for insider trading.Oklahoma Law Review,63(3),579-606.
  29. Pellicani, Nicholas P.(2010).No pain, no gain: The criminal absence of the efficient capital markets theory from insider trader sentencing.St. John's Law Review,84(3),1057-1098.
  30. Wang, W. K. S.,Steinberg, M. I .(2010).Insider Trading.New York:Oxford University Press.
  31. 王志誠(2012)。證券交易法第171條「犯罪所得」之計算爭議。台灣法學雜誌,196,21-30。
  32. 江朝聖(2012)。論內線交易之犯罪所得—美國法的觀察。甘添貴教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集(下冊),臺北:
  33. 余雪明(2016)。證券交易法—比較證券法。臺北:自版。
  34. 陳彥良(2011)。內線交易犯罪所得計算爭議研析—最高法院九十八年度臺上字第四八○○號判決。月旦法學雜誌,188,201-220。
  35. 廖大穎(2016)。內線交易罪與計算犯罪所得的爭議—最高104 台上2932 刑事判決。台灣法學雜誌,289,169-174。
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  38. 賴英照(2014)。最新證券交易法解析。臺北:自版。
  39. 薛智仁(2012)。內線交易之犯罪所得概念。政大法學評論,129,245-299。
  40. 薛智仁(2012)。加重內線交易罪—最高院101 台上1857 判決。台灣法學雜誌,212,195-204。
  1. 黃鵬達(2018)。刑法第11條及其施行法第10條之3 第2項之衝突與調和-以內線交易罪犯罪所得之計算為例。軍法專刊,64(5),152-178。
  2. (2018)。2017 年公司法與證券交易法發展回顧。臺大法學論叢,47(S),1931-1961。