


The Questions and its Amendment of the "Putative Income Provision" in the Public Assistance Act--Focusing on the Conflict Between the "Right of Subsistence" and "Supplementary"




高稹(Chen, Kao)


社會救助 ; 社會救助法 ; 生存權 ; 補充性原則 ; 擬制收入 ; 有工作能力未就業者 ; Social Assistance ; Public Assistance Act ; Right of Subsistence ; Supplementary Principle ; Putative income ; Person who is Capable of Working butUnemployed




69卷1期(2018 / 01 / 01)


90 - 116






This paper purports to visit Article 5-1 paragraph 1 sub-paragraph 1 item 2, per Public Assistance Act (hereinafter referred to as "the putative income provision") for its legal inception and implementation, from the view of the Right of Subsistence prescribed in Article 15 of the Constitution. This paper proffers that the concept of the putative income provision in its application has caused hindrance for certain households in their access to the benefit of social assistance and therefore has created a contradiction to the right of subsistence that the explicitly expressed in the Article 15 of the Constitution that the government has to comply. That is to say, the putative income provision stipulates that the person who is "capable of working but unemployed", his income shall be assumed as basic wage, and thus the application of such putative income provision has caused part of households cannot pass the broad sense poverty test. And the consequence is that they will not be eligible for low income status to receive the whole of or only to accept lesser amount of the nominal subsidies ordained in relevant acts and decrees. Considering the applicant’s right of subsistence, this paper offers to mitigate the putative income provision in two ways: (1) the municipal and the county governments may interpret Article 5 paragraph 3 sub-paragraph 9 in Public Assistance Act in a way to exclude the unemployed person from the household for income calculation, then the household can pass the poverty test more favorably; (2) Public Assistance Act shall be amended with clauses that will delegate full power to the municipal and the county governments to make evaluation and adjudication to exempt an unemployed person from being calculated for putative income.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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