


An Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient Who Attempted Suicide by Paraquat Poisoning




劉淑娟(Shwu-Jiuan Liu);郭嘉琪(Chia-Chi Kuo)


巴拉刈中毒 ; 自殺 ; 低效性呼吸型態 ; 口腔潰瘍疼痛 ; 死亡焦慮 ; Paraquat intoxication ; Suicide ; Ineffective breathing pattern ; Oral ulcers pain ; Death anxiety




18卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


113 - 123






This case report describes the emergency nursing experience of caring for a patient who attempted suicide by paraquat poisoning. During the nursing period from March 18 to March 19 in 2012, we performed an assessment using Gordon's Functional Health Patterns and collected data through observation, conversation, physical assessment, and chart review. Three health problems were identified as follows: ineffective breathing pattern, acute pain, and death anxiety. During the nursing process, through emergency medical team cooperation, the patient was first treated with decontamination of toxic chemical substances, endotracheal intubation, and intravenous medications and fluids to stabilize vital signs; then the patient was treated with gastric lavage and activated charcoal to reduce the absorption of poisonous substances and given oral care and pain control to alleviate pain from oral ulcers; and finally the patient was given psychological support, relaxation techniques, social work consultation, family support, and spiritual care to cope with death anxiety and transferred to an ICU for further treatment. The patient eventually died of multiple organ failure. However, during the process the patient and family members achieved maximum physical and mental well-being and had no regret. This nursing experience could serve as a reference for emergency nurses in caring for patients with suicide attempt by poisoning. We suggest that the emergency unit should conduct experience sharing and simulation practice sessions regarding acute and critical holistic health care, special care, and inter-professional practice, thereby improving emergency nurses' professional nursing competencies.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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