


The Effects of Group Virtual Reality Games for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment in Day Care Centers




林幼昉(Yu-Fang Lin);何新慧(Hsin-Hui Ho);張佳琪(Chia-Chi Chang);劉芳(Megan F. Liu);林彥光(Yen-Kuang Lin)


輕度認知障礙 ; 日間照顧中心 ; 虛擬實境 ; mild cognitive impairment ; day care center ; virtual reality




18卷2期(2016 / 09 / 01)


25 - 38




伴隨著人口的急速老化,將導致照護的醫療成本增加與家庭負擔沉重,若能提早採取預防措施,可減緩老人認知功能退化速度,並延遲其入住機構的時間。本研究使用團體虛擬實境活動介入,探討其對於日間照顧中心之輕度認知障礙老人認知功能、憂鬱程度與人際關係之影響。研究設計為類實驗性研究,以北部地區規模、機構屬性及活動性質相似日間照顧中心的輕度認知功能障礙老人為研究對象,共收案19位符合條件的老人,實驗組10位與對照組9位。實驗組以團體虛擬實境軟體進行6週活動介入,每週2次,共12次;對照組則維持原本日間照顧中心所規劃的活動。研究結果顯示在團體虛擬實境活動介入後,ANCOVA分析發現實驗組與對照組在認知功能方面顯著差異(F=14.09,p< .05),顯示團體虛擬實境活動介入可顯著改善輕度認知障礙老人之認知功能。建議未來可延長活動介入的期程、採隨機分派方式、增加樣本數,以獲得更多的實證依據。


Due to the rapidly growing population of older adults and people affected with dementia, the costs of dementia care and the burden of the family will dramatically increase. Taking some useful strategies in the early stage of dementia may delay cognitive function decline and long-term care facility placement. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of group virtual reality games for older adults with mild cognitive impairment in day care centers. This study was a quasi-experimental design. Day care centers in Northern Taiwan were invited and assigned into experimental or control group with purposive sampling. A total sample of nineteen older adults with mild cognitive impairment were enrolled, ten to the experimental group and nine to the control group. Participants in the experimental arm received group virtual reality games for forty-five minutes, twice a week, for continuous six weeks. Participants in the control arm maintained regular activities that were arranged by those day care centers. Data were examined using analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs) with the pretest and posttest scores serving as the covariate and dependent variable, respectively. Results showed that there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on cognitive status after interventions (F=14.09, p< .05). In order to provide more supportive evidence, future studies should consider extending the duration of intervention, running the randomization before baseline measurements, and enlarging the sample size.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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