According to the data in medical center, the completeness of transferring patients by nursing staff in trauma surgery was only 78.5% and the accurate knowledge about transferring patients was 75.5%. There are some reasons of transferring patients. Firstly, there are lack of the standard operation procedure and on-the-job training. In addition, there are irregular checks in handover to the next shift. In order to enhance the completeness and healthcare quality of transferring patients, the author will discuss the improvement project of transferring patients. The purpose of improvement project is to avoid medical risk and malpractice cases, reduce risk of transferring patients and obtain high quality medical service. After the implementation of this project, the completeness rate of transferring increased to 96.2%. Furthermore, the accurate knowledge about transferring patients increased to 100%. To sum up, the outcomes of this improvement project increased the completeness, correctness and safety of transferring patients, reduced medical risk and malpractice cases, and strengthened the accurate knowledge about transferring patients of medical staff. Those demonstrated a great improvement and reached the project goal.
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