


Nursing Experience of a Colorectal Cancer Patient with Stoma due to Complication of Laparoscopic Anterior Resection Surgery




盧怡婷(Yi-Ting Lu);陳秀鉛(Shiou-Chian Chen)


結腸癌 ; 腸造口 ; 急性疼痛 ; colorectal cancer ; stoma ; acute pain




21卷2期(2019 / 09 / 01)


147 - 157






This article presents the nursing experience of a solitary patient with colorectal cancer who had an unexpected stoma due to the complication from his first surgery. During the nursing period from 18th September, 2015 to 17th October, 2015, using Gordon eleven-functional health patterns as the assessment tool, the data was collected through observation, listening and communication. Three major nursing problems were identified, including acute pain, insufficient knowledge, and disturbed body image. During the process of nursing care, the patient was taught non-medicine skill to relieve the acute pain over his abdominal wound after the surgery. The doctors and dietitians were teamed up to provide instructions of stoma care and nutrition information so that patient could learn how to take care of his stoma independently. To let him accept the change of his body, we communicated with the patient, guided him to talk about his feelings, and provided him with positive feedback when he was willing to take part of the stoma care. Due to different shift arrangement of nursing staff, personalized care was impossible. Thus, oral and recorded hand over was conducted on the progress of stoma preparation. No clear specification was provided. In view of this, the clinical care plan for stoma providing nursing staff in a more precise understanding on the progression of stoma preparation in order for a more detailed and precise care is needed. We share this nursing experience as an example for nurses on how to take care of this type of patients, hoping that we could evaluate the care of patients with stoma.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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