


A Project to Improve the Time-Effectiveness of Emergency Patients Being Sent to Wards Using Team Resource Management




莊淑芬(Shu-Fen Chuang);陳美江(Mei-Chiang Chen);戴國斌(Kuo-Bin Tai);施美娟(Mei-Chuan Shih);陳麗貞(Li-Jin Chen)


團隊管理 ; 轉送 ; 逾時率 ; team resource management ; transfer ; time-effectiveness




21卷2期(2019 / 09 / 01)


89 - 101






As far as medical service quality and customer satisfaction are concerned, the time to wait for care is the essence. Relevant data shows that emergency units often cause complaints and dissatisfaction to patients and their family on account of delayed transfers to wards. This has an impact on the medical team's morale and the sentiment of team members. Moreover, extra time is required to tackle the difficulty and disputes. A survey by the project team has found up to 52.8% of emergency patients waiting to be transferred to wards for over 60 minutes in the period of October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Factors of delayed transfers included completeness of preparations by nurses prior to transfer to ward (71.9%), not integrating transfer business by assistants, insufficient information received by patients and their family, and so on. This project aimed to improve the time effectiveness of emergency patients being sent to wards. To that end, we undertook a decision-matrix analysis through literature review and benchmarking learning to make solutions. Moreover, we utilized a core concept of team resource management to revise "emergency assistant SOP" and "guidelines on bed-waiting patients and their family in the observation room", and draft "preparations prior to emergency patient transfers". The purpose was to put in place consolidation of the transfer dispatch operating procedure by assistants/ team leaders. As a result of this, the overtime rate dropped from 52.8% to 9.2%. In addition, the morale of the team and the satisfaction of emergency patients increased. The quality of medical care was maintained. The complaints of patients and their family were reduced. Besides, use of emergency resources and crowding of the emergency room was improved, and bed waiting in the emergency room was lessened. All this made sure that emergency beds were effectively utilized.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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