


Work Frustration and Resilience of Nurse Practitioners and its Predictors




許夢萍(Meng-Ping Hsu);林秋芬(Chiou-Fen Lin);鄭綺(Chii Jeng)


專科護理師 ; 工作挫折 ; 復原力 ; 人格特質 ; nurse practitioners ; work frustration ; resilience ; personality traits




24卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


14 - 30




背景:專科護理師是具挑戰性的工作,其工作挫折與復原力鮮少被深入探討。目的:本研究目的在探討專科護理師工作挫折與復原力之情形,並進一步了解工作挫折與復原力之預測因子。方法:採橫斷式調查法。以專科護理師為對象。研究工具包括:「工作挫折量表」、「復原力量表」與「五大人格特質量表」。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、One-way ANOVA、皮爾森積差相關與多元迴歸分析進行統計。共發出160份問卷,回收有效問卷119份,有效問卷回收率為74.4%。結果:專科護理師工作挫折總分為36.97±13.32分,屬中低程度。復原力總分為67.27±13.70分,屬中等偏高程度,復原力與工作挫折為顯著負相關(r = -.189,p < .05)。人格特質屬性以宜人性和嚴謹性居多,不同人格特質在復原力和工作挫折並無顯著差異。「年齡」、「所屬科別」是工作挫折的主要預測因子,而「團隊工作氣氛」是復原力的主要預測因子。結論:專科護理師是一個高度專業及具困難和挑戰性的工作,醫院主管宜針對年紀較長和急重症單位專科護理師提出主動關懷、營造良好工作氣氛來改善其工作挫折和強化復原力。


Background: The Nurse Practitioner (NP) is a challenging occupation. The relevance between their work frustration and resilience has not been discussed in depth. Purposes: The purpose of this study was to explore the properties of work frustration and resilience of the NP, and to further understand the predictors of work frustration and resilience. Method: A cross-sectional survey for the NP was applied. The research tools included "Work Frustration Scale", "Resilience Scale" and "Big-Five Personality Traits Scale". Data were statistically analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, One-way ANOVA, Pearson's product correlation, and multiple regression analysis. A total of 160 questionnaires were sent out, and 119 valid questionnaires were returned. The effective questionnaire recovery rate was 74.4%. Results: The total score of work frustration of subjects was 36.97 (SD=13.32), indicating low to moderate level. The total score of resilience was 67.27 (SD=13.70), indicating the overall resilience was moderately high. The resilience was negatively correlated with work frustration (r=-.189, p<.05). The attributes of personality traits of subjects were mostly agreeableness and consciousness. Different personality traits made no significant differences either in resilience or work frustration. Age and Division were the significant predictors of work frustration. Team work atmosphere was the significant predictor of resilience. Conclusion: The NP is a highly professional, difficult and challenging occupation. Hospital supervisors should propose active care and create a good working atmosphere for NPs, particularly in older and working at critical units, to improve their work frustrations and strengthen their resilience.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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