The pharmacological treatments offering to the psychiatric patients in the daycare unit are indispensable parts of therapeutic intervention. Poor compliance is linked to disease recurrence and repeated admission to the acute psychiatric ward, causing increased medical expenses and care burden. In 2020/1, the rate of total self-administration of medication in our daycare unit reached only 30%. The principal problems were the absence of a reminder system and compliance training, the lack of insight and understandings concerning drug effects, and the ineptitude of current psychoeducation materials and no available access to pharmacopoeia. Our project used multidisciplinary interventions such as a reminder system, creative group activities, individual psychoeducation, and drug compliance training to improve patients' understandings toward medication. The results show that the rate of total self-administration of medication augmented from 30.0% to 61.7% (which exceeded the target of 55.3%). These findings indicate that using multidisciplinary intervention strategies is related to improved drug compliance, stabilized disease condition, reinforcement of self-efficacy, and better social integration.
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