


Exploring the Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Palliative Care among Family Caregivers of Elders Receiving Long Term Care




呂欣怡(Shin-Yi Lu);林碧珠(Pi-Chu Lin);陳逸卉(I-Hui Chen)


長期照護 ; 家庭照顧者 ; 安寧緩和療護知識 ; 安寧緩和療護態度 ; long term care ; family caregiver ; knowledge of palliative care ; attitudes of palliative care




25卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


46 - 57




背景:近年來政府將安寧緩和療護理念推廣至非癌末期病人照顧,然而大多數非癌末期病人對安寧緩和療護的利用率仍偏低。目的:為瞭解接受長照服務老人之家庭照顧者對安寧緩和療護的知識與態度的現況及其影響因素。方法:本研究採橫斷式調查法,在二家護理之家及一家居家護理所收案,收案條件:(1)被照顧老人年齡≧65歲,入住護理之家或接受居家護理服務時間≧三個月;(2)家庭照顧者年齡≧20歲。結果:共收案家庭照顧者370人,安寧緩和療護知識平均得分25.02(standard deviation,SD=3.71),態度平均得分83.44(SD=11.59)。家庭照顧者為大專/大學(β=2.001,p<.001)、研究所(β=3.004,p<.001)、軍公教(β=1.874,p<.001),則安寧緩和療護知識較好。此外,研究所(β=6.514,p<.05)、軍公教(β=3.882,p<.05)、與被照顧老人討論過安寧緩和療護(β=6.222,p<.05),其安寧緩和療護態度較好。結論:推動社區安寧療護照護網絡,須特別強化教育程度較低及農、工職業之家庭照顧者之安寧緩和知識與態度,讓此類家庭照顧者照顧老人時獲得足夠的支持。


Background: The government has been promoting the concept of palliative care to non-cancerous patients. However, the utilization rate of palliative care is still low. Objectives: The purposes of this study were to understand the current status of knowledge of and attitudes toward palliative care among family caregivers of elders receiving long term care, and to explore its influence factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey study. Participants were recruited from two nursing homes and a homecare center with convenience sampling. Criteria of enrollment included: (1) care recipient who was≧65 years old, use long term care services was at least three months; and (2) family caregiver who was≧20 years old. Results: In total, 370 valid questionnaires were collected. The average score of palliative care knowledge was 25.02 (SD = 3.71). The overall average score of attitude was 83.44 (SD = 11.59). Family caregivers whose education level was college/university (β = 2.001, p < .001) or graduate degree (β = 3.004, p < .001), and whose occupation was soldier, government worker, or teacher (β = 1.874, p < .001) had better knowledge of palliative care. Moreover, graduate degree (β = 6.514, p < .05), soldier, government worker, and teacher (β = 3.882, p < .05) and the elders discussed with palliative care (β = 6.222, p < .05) also had better attitudes toward palliative care. Conclusions: Government policies aim to promote community-based hospice and palliative care network. It is necessary to strengthen the knowledge and attitudes of family caregivers with lower education level and agricultural and industrial occupations. Those family caregivers can obtain sufficient support while caring the elders in institutions or at home.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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