


Advancement of The Geriatric, Community and Long-Term Care Physical Therapy Education in Taiwan




廖麗君(Lih-Jiun Liaw);黃文妮(Wen-Ni Huang);林佩欣(Pay-Shin Lin)


高齡(老人)物理治療 ; 長期照顧 ; 社區照顧 ; 專業養成教育 ; 物理治療教育精進 ; Geriatric physical therapy ; Long-term care ; Community-based care ; Entry-level physical education ; Advancement of physical therapy education




49卷3期(2024 / 09 / 01)


108 - 120




前言:因應高齡社會來臨後的照護需求,物理治療專業是不容或缺的一環,養成教育內容宜建立共識準則。國際概況:美國物理治療學會及世界物理治療聯盟都曾發表相關文獻,提出高齡暨長照領域物理治療教育應包含的基礎核心能力。臺灣現況:經臺灣物理治療學會教育委會調查並統整後,發現共有26項高齡暨長照領域物理治療之課程主題,這些課程主題也都能對應美國物理治療學會發表的六大面向核心能力。分析與建議:根據物理治療學會教育委員會於執行「110年物理治療之教育精進與準則建立計畫」的調查發現:一、目前在非六年制各校的高齡、社區長照領域課程不足且多為選修,二、實習場域也不足,三、實習制度共識也尚待建立。另外,目前衛福部規定長照專業人員要從事長照業務必須先完成長照Level I, II, III的課程。因此,在高齡社會來臨與長照以在地老化為目標的政策之下,物理治療養成教育與繼續教育如何銜接,亟待學校與業界形成專業內的共識與因應策略。結論:「高齡、社區暨長照」為物理治療專業新興重要領域,建議一、宜將高齡暨長照領域核心課程主題列入各校必修課程,並也需增加符合目前長照2.0政策相關業務之主題,二、中程規劃建議宜將高齡暨社區長照議題列入國考之次領域;三、宜加強教師對長照場域之實務瞭解以利教學實踐;四、盤點長照實習場域和師資並規劃建立更成熟實習制度;五、針對前述四項,相關學會未來宜召開進階共識會議。


Introduction: In response to the demand of care in an aging society, physical therapy plays an indispensable role. It is necessary to establish the consensus guideline for entry-level physical therapy education. International Status: American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and World Confederation of Physiotherapy (WCPT) have published literatures about course competencies, and have proposed essential competencies of geriatric and long-term care physical therapy program. Current Status in Taiwan: Based on the investigation and summarization, the Education Committee of Taiwan Physical Therapy Association established 26 essential course topics in the field of geriatric, community and long-term care physical therapy. The course topics matched the essential competencies proposed by APTA. Analysis and Recommendations: Based on the finding of the investigation by the Education Committee of Taiwan Physical Therapy Association, the challenges faced include the followings: (1) other than the six-year college program, the courses involving essential topics are mostly elective courses in the four-year college and five-year secondary school programs in Taiwan; (2) insufficient numbers of clinical practicum sites; (3) unestablished consensus about the clinical practicum. It is now required by government for all long-term care providers to complete the Level I to III continuing education. In order to cope with the advent of the aging society and the policy of "aging in place", it is necessary to bridge the school education with the continuing education, and the consensus is yet to be reached between the school and the clinical settings. Conclusion: Geriatric, community and long-term care physical therapy is an emerging and important filed. T he expert panel suggests the followings: (1) inclusion of the essential course topics into the compulsory courses and addition of the topics related to the long-term care policy; (2) inclusion of the geriatric, community and long-term care physical therapy contents into a subfield of the national licensure examination; (3) enhancing the competence of the instructors about the clinical practice; (4) making inventory of the available clinical practicum sites and preceptors, and establishing a more integrated system for clinical practicum education; (5) further convening consensus meetings to discuss the geriatric, community and long-term care physical therapy education.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論