






專業認證 ; 關鍵事件技術 ; 互動性質性分析方法 ; 心智模式 ; professional certificates ; critical incident technique ; interactive qualitative analysis ; mental model




5卷2期(2012 / 07 / 01)


73 - 90






More and more enterprises use the possession of professional certificates as a criteria for recruiting and promoting their employees. Many domestic universities urge students to acquire certificates indicating mastery of knowledge and skills in subject domains, so that their graduates can show not only diplomas, but also competitiveness and readiness for entering stiff job markets. The governments also offer various incentives for schools, which in turn promote and support their students to acquire more certificates. In light of the mainstream towards pursuing certificates, this research investigated the mental schema of the key participants in certificate examinations-students. This work conducted the investigation by applying two qualitative methods-critical incident technique (CIT) and interactive qualitative analysis (IQA). Theresearch findings indicate thatamong the sources of satisfactory incidents, staffs' attitudes topped the ranking, while among the sources of dissatisfactory incidents, inappropriate equipments dominates the others. The constructed mind map shows that career requirement is the primary driver, while certificate assessment is the primary outcome. Based on the findings, concrete suggestions regarding how to build up brand image, how to strengthen motivation, and how to collaborate with educational institutes are provided toward certificate-issuing organizations; concrete suggestions regarding how to establish supportive mechanism, how to build atomosphere, and provision of financial aid toward higher education institutes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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