


The Performance Failure Appraisal of Chinese Version Inventory: An Exploratory and Confirmatory Facotor Analysis




卓國雄(Kuo-Hsiung Cho);盧俊宏(Frank Jing-Horng Lu)


害怕失敗 ; 表現失敗評估 ; 探索性因素分析 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; fear of failure ; performance appraisal ; exploratory factor analysis ; confirmatory factor analysis




7卷2期(2005 / 06 / 30)


111 - 123




依據(Conroy, Poczwardowski, & Henschen, 2001; Conroy, Willow, & Metzler, 2002)害怕失敗理論基礎,本研究目的在修訂Conroy、Willow和Metzler(2002)測量害怕失敗的工具-表現失敗評估量表(Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory,簡稱PFAI)為中文版,並且檢驗其信度和效度。本研究分為二階段,研究一以探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis, EFA)檢驗修訂後之表現失敗評估量表是否具有良好的信度和效度;受試者為四所高中的學生,共320名,其中男生187名,女生133名,平均年齡15.86(SD=0.78)歲。研究二以驗證性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis, CFA)考驗修訂後之中文版表現失敗評估量表之測量模式是否適配受試樣本,具建構效度;研究對象為國內舞蹈、美術、音樂和體育等專業資優班之高中生,共377名,其中男生83名,女生294名,平均年齡16.53(SD=0.85)歲。研究結果發現,修訂後之中文版表現失敗評估量表(PFAI)共有「面對羞辱和困窘的害怕」、「對自我評價降低的害怕」、「失去重要他人興趣的害怕」和「受重要他人批評的害怕」等四個分量表,各分量表之內部一致性信度介於68~86之間,整體信度為Cronbach's α為89,總解釋變異量為58.52%,具有可接受的信、效度。驗證性因素分析則發現修訂後之中文版表現失敗評估量表適合應用在舞蹈、美術、音樂和體育等成就情境中,測量個人有關害怕失敗動機之心理反應。


The purpose of this study was to translate Conroy Conroy, Willow and Metzler's (2002) Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) into Chinese and examined its validity and reliability. This study included two stages. The first stage sampled 320 high school students (males=187; females=133) with the mean age of 15.86 (SD=0.78) and then revised the Chinese version of PFAI. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed appropriate validity and reliability of the Chinese version of PFAI. The second stage sampled 377 high school students of four types of talents (dance, art, music and sports) and administered with Chinese version of PFAI. Meanwhile, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was employed to evaluate the appropriateness and construct validity of the Chinese version of PFAI. Results indicated that the Chinese version of PFAI had four constructs named ”fear of experiencing shame and embarrassment,” ”fear of devaluating one's self-estimate,” ”fear of important others losing interest,”” fear of upsetting important others.” The internal consistency of the four subscales ranging from. 68~86 and the total Cronbach's α of the Chinese version of PFAI was 89 with total accounted variance of 58.52%. This study concluded that the Chinese version of PFAI has appropriate reliability and validity. Besides, the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the Chinese version of PFAI was applicable in the achievement settings such as dance, art, music as well as sports in the individual's performance failure appraisal.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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