
運動用品廠商贊助體育活動對運動消費者影響之研究:以2004 Adidas鬥牛王朝高中校園三對三籃球賽為例


The Relationship between Sports Sponsorship by Sports Equipment Company and Sports Consumers: A Case Study of 2004 Adidas 3-on-3 Streetball Challenge




余宗龍(Chung-Long Yu);陳忠誠(Chung-Cheng Chen);詹彩琴(Tsai-Chin Chan);周建智(Chien-Chih Chou)


運動贊助 ; 贊助效益 ; 購買意願 ; sport sponsorship ; sponsorship benefits ; and purchase intention




7卷2期(2005 / 06 / 30)


47 - 58




本研究欲瞭解運動用品廠商贊助體育活動之贊助效益。以「2004年Adidas鬥牛王朝高中校園三對三」比賽球員和現場觀眾為研究對象,「2004年Adidas鬥牛王朝高中校園三對三籃球賽贊助效益研究問卷」為研究工具進行調查,總計發出問卷210份,回收有效問卷193份,有效樣本為92%。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關(Pearson Product-moment correlation)進行統計分析,結果發現:一、現場運動消費者對主要贊助廠商有相當高的辨識力,辨識率高達94.5%,二、能正確辨識贊助商之受測者比無法正確辨識者在「企業形象」的構面上有較高的認同情形,三、能正確辨識贊助商的男生較能正確辨識贊助商的女生在「購買意願」的構面上有較高的認同情形,四、正確辨識贊助商之比賽球員較能正確辨識贊助商之現場觀眾在「企業形象」與「購買意願」的構面上有較高的認同情形,五、能正確辨識贊助商之比賽球員參賽次數越多在「知覺企業產品」的構面上有較高的認同情形,及六、正確辨識贊助商之受測者不同效益認知構面問之相關比較:「企業形象」的構面對「企業產品」與「購買意願」的構面呈顯著正相關。從本研究得知,不同背景變項的運動消費者,在知覺運動贊助效益上有顯著差異存在。所以,運動用品廠商應視運動消費者的特性,調整適當的運動贊助模式,以收最佳的運動贊助效益。


The purpose of this study was to examine the sponsorship benefits of sports events sponsored by sports equipment company. Samples included 193 selected athletes and spectators of the event. A researcher self-designed questionnaire was employed for the survey. Through statistical analyses by using descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation, the following results were obtained. First, 94.5% sports consumers have recognized that Adidas was the major sponsor of the event. Second, subjects who could recognize the sponsor accurately had significantly higher scores of ”corporative image” than subjects who could not recognize the sponsor accurately. Third, male subjects who could correctly recognize the sponsor had significantly higher scores of ”purchase intention” than the female ones. Fourth, athletes who could correctly recognize the sponsor had significantly higher scores of ”corporative image” and ”purchase intention” than spectators who could correctly recognize the sponsor. Fifth, the athletes' competition experience of participating in this event had significant impact on ”corporative product”. Sixth, there was a positive correlation between perceived ”corporative images” and ”corporative product” for subjects who could correctly recognize the sponsor; in addition, there was a positive correlation between perceived ”corporate images” and ”purchase intention” for subjects who could correctly recognized the sponsor.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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