


The Relationship of Perceived Coach Leadership Behaviors and the Sources of Sport Enjoyment for Male and Female Track and Field Athletes




王耀聰(Yao-Tsung Wang)


教練領導行爲 ; 運動樂趣來源 ; coach leadership behavior ; sources of sport enjoyment




7卷3期(2005 / 09 / 30)


127 - 140






The purposes of this study were: (1) to examine the differences of the sources of sport enjoyment for male and female track and field athletes; (2) to examine the canonical correlation between perceived coach leadership behaviors and the sources of sport enjoyment for male track and field athletes; and (3) to examine the canonical correlation between perceived coach leadership behaviors and the sources of sport enjoyment for female track and field athletes. A total of 829 male and female track and field athletes who participated in 2003 National Mid-school Athletic Games were served as participants. All participants were asked to complete demographic data, Leadership Scale for Sports and the Inventory of Sources of Sport Enjoyment. The one-way MANOVA and canonical correlation statistics methods were used to analyze all collected data. There were three findings. First, the female athletes showed higher source of sport enjoyment experience on 'social and life opportunities' than the male athletes, while male athletes had higher sources of sport enjoyment experiences on 'activity itself and 'perceived competence' than female athletes. Second, the male athletes perceived their coaches' ”high training and instruction, high democracy, high social support and high reward” leadership behaviors pattern were correlated with athletes' ”high social and life opportunities, high social recognition and rewards, high activity itself and high perceived competence” of sources of sport enjoyment pattern. Third, the female athletes perceived their coaches' ”low democracy and low social support” leadership behavior pattern were correlated with athletes' ”low activity itself and low perceived competence” of sources of sport enjoyment pattern. The female athletes perceived their coaches' ”high training and instruction, high democratic, high social support and high reward” leadership behaviors pattern were also correlated with athletes' ”high social and life opportunities, high social recognition and rewards, high activity itself and high perceived competence” of sources of sport enjoyment pattern. Finally, based on the results of the current study, the implications for the coaches and athletes and suggestions for the future studies are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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