


Constructing the Measures for Tennis Players' Performance Evaluation from the Management Perspective




蔡佳惠(Chia-Hui Tsai)


評估指標架構 ; 因素分析 ; measure structure ; factor analysis




9卷2期(2007 / 06 / 30)


27 - 38






The importance of performance evaluation has been verified in business and the implementational experiences have been abundantly accumulated in practice. The application of performance evaluation to the sports items is just at its infancy. To the researcher's knowledge, the tennis sport item although having a population of over 0.3 million domestically has not had any research about performance evaluation. Therefore, for the convenience of taking tennis player performance evaluation in the future, this study aims at constructing an appropriate measuring structure for evaluating tennis players' performances. In effect, this study is also expected to have a positive effect on tennis-sports development. A questionnaire that contains 22 preliminary measures is designed to collect opinions. As a result, 227 questionnaires have been sent to the coaches and players and 144 questionnaires have been returned. Finally, by the statistical method, the measuring structure with 6 factors and 15 measures in it has been successfully constructed for future use.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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