


Legend or History: A Biomechanical Analysis of Extra Weights on Standing Long Jump




唐瑞顯(Ray-Hsien Tang);黃長福(Chen-Fu Huang)


費拉斯 ; 負重跳遠 ; 提昇跳遠成績 ; Phayllos ; extra weight jumping ; jumping distance enhancing




9卷3期(2007 / 09 / 30)


79 - 88




研究跳遠運動的人都聽過這樣的故事:古希臘運動員Phayllos在五項運動中跳遠成績55呎(16.28 公尺),鐵餅成績95呎。這樣的傳說一直是研究者經常引用的歷史。然而這樣的成績是否屬實?又或者有其他的運動模式,而異於我們今日所熟知的跳遠?古代文物遺蹟顯示跳遠選手必須手持重物跳遠,而增加身體重量如何能有優異之成績表現?這個有趣的問題值得進行深入的探究。本研究的目的在於收集佐證資料、考據現代科學介入之相關文獻,並透過運動生物力學,探討雙手負重對立定跳遠之影響。研究對象是8名平均身高175.1公分之體育系學生,實驗儀器是一台Redlake高速攝影機(125Hz)和一台Kistler測力板(1,250Hz)同步收集受試者的運動生物力學資料。影片資料先運用Butterworth 4(上標 th)-order Zero Lag Digital進行資料修勻之後,再運用Dempster(1955)人體肢段參數,結合本實驗所需之參數利用Kwon 3D影像分析軟體以及Kwon GRF測力板資料分析軟體,進行討論。經實驗後發現手部負重能延長推蹬期,增大推蹬期的水平衝量,且增加落地距離;然而在空中飛程、起跳重心垂直速度、起跳與落地重心高度差,卻因負重而減少;另外,本研究結果顯示適當負重之後立定跳遠成績有較佳的趨勢,但未達統計上之顯著水準。結論:手持適當重物進行立定跳遠有增加跳遠距離之趨勢。


The standing long jump was one of the events in the ancient Olympic Games. It goes with a legend: The ancient athlete Phayllos jumped 55 feet long, and threw the discus 95 feet long. Many studies have proved that extra weights are held in the hands of the athletes during the competition, while some investigators have found that extra weights will increase the jump distance. Some researchers have found that optimal extra weights enhance the jumping performance, but they did not explain the mechanism that enhances the performance. This study examined the reality of the ancient excellent jumping performance of Phayllos, and the effect of extra weights on standing long jump performance. A Redlake high-speed camera (125Hz) was synchronized with a Kistler force platform (1250Hz) to collect the data of eight male jumping performances. All subjects performed standing long jump with no extra load, a slight extra load, a heavy extra load, and a super heavy extra load standing long jumps. The results indicated that the landing distance, the propelling duration, and the horizontal impulse during propelling increased with the jumps. In addition, the flight distance, and the CG (center of gravity) vertical velocity at takeoff decreased in loaded jumps. It was discovered that proper extra weight may enhance jumping performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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