


Evaluating Validity and Reliability of Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2R) by Confirmatory Factor Analyses




李烱煌(Chiung-Huang Li)


競賽焦慮 ; 自信心 ; 身體焦慮 ; 認知焦慮 ; competitive anxiety ; self-confidence ; somatic anxiety ; cognitive anxiety




10卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


63 - 74






This study used the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to revise the factor structure of the CSAI-2R by a calibration sample, the CFA to evaluate the factorial, convergent, and discriminate validity, and reliability of the revised structure by a validation sample, and then the CFA to evaluate the cross validity of the revised structure between the calibration and validation samples. Each sample consisted of 199 adolescent handball athletes (totally N=398), all of whom were voluntary to complete CSAI-2R. In the calibration sample, the results of CFA revealed an acceptable fit to the initial model (CSAI-2R). However, Item 6 was deleted because its Lagrange Multiplier Index was greater than 10. After deleting Item 6, the fit of the revised model (16-item CSAI-2R) was better than the initial model. In the validation sample, results of CFA not only revealed a good fit, but also good convergent validity, discriminate validity, and reliability to the revised model. Furthermore, the results of CFA showed that the fit of cross validity of the revised model between calibration and validation samples was also good. Therefore, it is suggested that 16-item CSAI-2R can be used to measure competitive state anxiety in adolescent athletes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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