


The Relationship between Dynamic Visual Acuity with Pitching and Batting Performance in Baseball Players




劉雅甄(Ya-Chen Liu)


運動視覺 ; 技術 ; 打擊率 ; 壘球 ; sports vision ; skill ; batting average ; softball




10卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


89 - 98






This study investigated the relationship between Dynamic Visual Acuity with pitching (DVA) and batting performance in baseball players. The subjects were thirty players recruited from Chinese Taipei Baseball Second Team of 2006 Asian Games. The athlevision software was used to measure DVA, including DVA-right, DVA-down, DVA-left, and DVA-up, respectively. The data of pitching and batting performance were adapted from the official record of 95-annual baseball tournaments. The result indicated that first, there were significant relationships among DVA-H, DVA-V, and DVA (p<.05), but no significant relationships among DVA-R, DVA-L, DVA-D, and DVA-U (p>.05). Second, the pitching performance had significant relationships with DVA-L, DVA-D, DVA-H, and DVA (p<.05). Third, the batting performance had significant relationships with DVA-D, DVA-R, DVA-V, DVA (p<.05). This study concluded that DVA had an important capability for pitching and batting performance. Particularly, the pitching performance was significantly related with DVA-L and DVA-H, and the batting performance was significantly related with DVA-R and DVA-V. The result indicated that a baseball player should focus on appropriate DVA abilities to improve the skills and performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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