


When the Body Becomes a Battlefield of Power: Exploring the Conflict Process between the Patriarchy and the Empowerment Embodiment in Sports from the Academic Perspective of the Female Body




陳渝苓(Yu-Ling Chen);徐譽桓(Yu-Huan Hsu)


身體意象 ; 女性主義 ; 美貌體系 ; body image ; feminism ; beauty system




10卷3期(2008 / 09 / 30)


1 - 13






The female body image has been a widespread research issue in sociology. In the context of sports-related discipline, quite a few scholars highly interested in this issue indicated that women tend to utilize sports as a tool to improve their physical appearance, which constitutes the major core of their body image. This academic proposition imposes a serious critique by feminists, who suggest that sports should be recognized as a means for women to empower themselves, instead of being constrained by the traditional patriarchy ideology. Due to this contradictory proposition, this study analyzed current sports and women-related literatures and further investigated how the concept of the female body was formulated. Especially. This study attempted to examine the meanings of ”sports” for understanding whether it highlights the empowering perspective of feminism or assists the patriarchic ideology to materialize the female body. The result demonstrated that the female body has become a conflicting battlefield between two kinds of power: while women are allowed to achieve a more visible status via their participation in sports, sports has been used by women for improving their appearance in order to obtain the beauty system assumed by the traditional patriarchy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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