


A Comparison of Plasma Lipids in Different Levels of Health-Related Physical Fitness Quotients




梁龍鏡(Lung-Ching Liang);謝錦城(City C. C. Hsieh);黎俊彥(Alex J. Y. Lee)


健康體適能 ; 總膽固醇 ; 高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 ; 低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 ; 三酸甘油酯 ; health-related physical fitness ; total cholesterol ; high density lipoprotein cholesterol ; low density lipoprotein cholesterol ; triglyceride




10卷3期(2008 / 09 / 30)


151 - 161




本研究目的為探討健康體能商(health-related physical fitness quotient, HPFQ)與個體血脂質成分之關係,100位大學男生(年齡19.24±0.71歲,身高172.82±5.49公分,體重65.90±12.37公斤),分別給予健康體適能測驗,以及包括總膽固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-C)、三酸甘油酯(TG)之測定,並且依據體能商理論架構,將身體質量指數、坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、1,600公尺跑等四項測驗所得資料轉換成HPFQ,並以HPFQ正負一個標準差為分界,區分成低HPFQ、中HPFQ與高HPFQ等三組。所得資料以Pearson相關係數分析各變項間之相關程度,以常態統計分析全體受試者HPFQ得分之偏態與峰度,以單因子變異數分析考驗不同體能商分組間血脂質之差異。結果顯示受試者HPFQ得分具有良好的常態分佈趨勢,除HPFQ與HDL-C、LDL-C、TG、TC/HDL-C與LDL-C/HDL-C等血脂質間有顯著相關(r=-0.45~0.40, p<0.1),低HPFQ組之TG、HDL-C、TC/HDL-C、LDL-C/HDL-C也分別和中與高HPFQ組有顯著差異(F=7.04~8.78, p<.01),且以BMI和1,600公尺耐力跑為體能商分組,即可敏銳的分辨組間血脂質之差異(F=11.44~22.68, p<0.1)。本研究顯示大學男生健康體能商之得分分佈趨近於常態分配,而健康體能商可用於區分大學男生血脂質健康狀態的參考指標,然而僅以BMI與1,600公尺兩項因子所計算的體能商即可用在鑑別大學男生血脂質組成上,且較之以四項因子的健康體能商更加敏銳。


This study compared the characteristics of plasma lipids in subjects with different levels of health-related physical fitness quotients (HPFQ). One hundred collegiate male students were recruited as volunteered subjects (mean age: 19.24±0.71 yrs; mean height: 172.82±5.49 cm; mean weight: 65.90±12.37 kg). Subjects underwent a series of tests of health-related physical fitness such as body mass index (BMI), sit-and-reach, one-minute sit-up, and 1,600m walk and run, for calculating the HPFQ and were then divided into three groups as low, fair, and high HPFQ on the basis of total subjects' mean quotients and standard deviation. Their venous blood was also collected and further analyzed for the characteristics of plasma lipids in the level of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG). The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to assess the relationship between variables. The skew-ness statistics was used to check if the distribution of participants in HPFQ is normal. In addition, the one-way ANOVA was also used to examine the difference in plasma lipids characteristics between groups. The results showed that the HPFQ of participants were normally distributed. Strong correlations were also found between HPFQ and HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, respectively (r=-0.45~0.40, p<.01). Subjects with low HPFQ showed a more significant difference in the level of TG, HDL-C, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C than subjects with fair and/or high HPFQ (F=7.04~8.78, p<.01), but greater differences were also found if grouped only by calculated HPFQ from BMI and 1,600m walk and run (F=11.44~22.68, p<.01). It was found that the HPFQ distribution in this study had a normal curve and HPFQ seemed to be able to be applied in discriminating collegiate male students' plasma lipids; however, HPFQ calculated from BMI and 1,600m walk-and-run performance can provide better and keener differentiation than the ordinary.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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