


Reliability and Validity Analysis of Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale




蔡俊傑(Jun-Jie Tsai)


自我決定理論 ; 測量不變性 ; 同時多群組共變數分析 ; 複核效化 ; self-determination theory ; measurement invariance ; simultaneous multigroup covariance analyses ; cross-validation




12卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


11 - 21




本研究目的以Wilson, Rogers, Rodgers, and Wild (2006)建立的「健身運動心理需求滿足感量表」予以中文化並加以修訂,建一份適合測臺灣地區參與健身運動人員心理需求滿足感的中文工具。本量表以Deci and Ryan(1985)的「自我決定理論」(self-determination theory,簡稱SDT)為理論基礎,包含3個因素,勝任感、自主性、關聯性,共計18題,本研究包含兩個階段性研究,研究方法包含項目分析、探索式因素分析、驗證式因素分析以及同時多群組共變數分析。研究結果顯示該量表具有建構效度所需「內容代表性」和「內部結構」。結論,本量表具有良好信效度,未來研究可以運用本量表與其它領域的結合。


The present study was based on Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale proposed by Wilson, Rogers, Rodgers and Wild (2006) and aimed to develop a revised scale of Chinese version for the Taiwanese athletes. The theoretical foundation of the scale was according to Self-determination Theory by Deci and Ryan (1985) that includes three factors competence, autonomy and relevance with a total of 18 questions. This investigation consisted of two studies and the constructive validity as well as internal validity was used in two different studies, Scales of item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and simultaneous multigroup covariance analyses were carried out. The results showed that the scale has construct validity of ”content representativeness” and the ”internal structure.” This study concluded that the scale had good reliability and validity, future research could use the scale to combine with other study areas.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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