


Construction and Verification of Professional Indices for High School Physical Education Teachers




潘義祥(Yi-Hsiang Pan)


德懷術 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 體育課程 ; Delphi method ; confirmatory factor analysis ; physical education curriculum




12卷3期(2010 / 09 / 30)


11 - 23




本研究目的在建構以民國95年施行的高中體育課程綱要為基準之體育教師專業指標,並考驗指標的信效度。研究方法採用德懷術(Delphi method)與驗證性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis)等方法,研究對象在德懷術方面有22位學者專家,驗證性因素分析方面以分層隨機叢集抽樣方式,共獲293位高中體育教師為有效樣本,並以LISREL統計方式進行假設模式適配度考驗。本研究結果指出高中體育教師專業指標共含3個一級指標、12個二級指標、59個三級指標,一級指標分成專業知識、專業能力、專業態度等3個構面。專業知識構面有4個二級指標(包含課程總綱認知、體育綱要認知、教育專業知識、體育專門知識);專業能力構面下有5個二級指標(包含運動指導能力、體育課程規劃、體育教學策略、體育教學評量、運動風險管理);專業態度構面下有3個二級指標(含有體育教師信念、教師敬業精神、專業成長動向);驗證性因素分析顯示模式的適配度頗佳。研究結論指出本研究所建構的高中體育教師專業指標,具有良好的信效度,未來可做為評估高中體育教師專業素質及專業發展之用。


The purpose of this study was to construct a set of Professional Indices for High School Physical Education Teachers (PIHSPET) after the new physical education curriculum guidelines of Taiwanese senior high schools was issued in 2006. The validity and reliability of the PIHSPET were examined. The research methods included Delphi method and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Initially, 22 physical education experts were assigned and served in Delphi method to construct the PIHSPET. Then, 293 high school physical education teachers, sampled by stratified random cluster sampling method, finished the PIHSPET questionnaires. The questionnaires were analyzed by CFA by using the LISREL statistical program The results showed that PIHSPET included 3 first-level indices, 12 second-level indices and 59 third-level indices. The first-level indices contains 3 dimensions including professional knowledge, professional competence and professional attitude. The professional knowledge dimension contains 4 second-level indices including cognition of general curriculum guideline, cognition of physical education curriculum guideline, general pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge of physical education. The professional competence dimension has 5 second-level indices including teaching capacity in sport, curricular plan in physical education, teaching strategy in physical education, teaching evaluation in physical education and risk management in sport. The professional attitude dimension contains 3 second-level indices including physical education teachers' belief, teachers' professional spirit and perspective of professional growth. The CFA indicated that the goodness-of-fit of the modification model could reach an acceptable standard. It is concluded that the PIHSPET is a well-consedered method with fair validity and reliability. It may be used to evaluate professional quality and developmental needs for high school physical education teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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