


Effects of Vibration and Stretching Training on Range of Motion in Female Elderly




吳柏翰(Bo-Han Wu);葉乃菁(Nai-Ching Yeh);林正常(Jung-Charng Lin)


柔軟度 ; 振動刺激 ; 靜態伸展 ; flexibility ; vibratile stimulus ; static stretching




12卷3期(2010 / 09 / 30)


88 - 97




本研究目的在探討伸展訓練的模式對於高齡者肩關節與髖關節之關節活動度急性與長期的影響。本研究 以 30 名 65 歲以上女性受試者為訓練對象,所有受試者在訓練前皆進行關節活動度之測量,隨後,30 名受試 者隨機分派至振動伸展組 (VT, n = 10)、靜態伸展組 (SE, n = 10) 與控制組 (CON, n = 10) 進行 6 週之訓練。 訓練開始後,VT 組進行振動伸展(每週 3 次;每個動作伸展 30 秒、每個伸展動作間隔 1 分鐘、每組動作重 複 3 次,伸展時輔以振幅 1.5 mm、頻率 25 Hz 之垂直振動刺激,共 7 組訓練動作)、SE 組進行相同的伸展 訓練但不輔以振動刺激,而 CON 組則不接受任何訓練。在接受第一次與 6 週不同模式的伸展訓練後,所有 受試者皆進行關節活動度之測量,以分析伸展模式介入之急性效果。本研究以單因子共變數分析 (ANCOVA) 分析不同伸展模式之訓練效果是否有顯著差異,顯著水準 α 訂為 .05。研究結果指出不同伸展模式對於各關 節活動度之急性效果僅有 VT 組在盂肱內縮顯著高於 SE 組與 CON 組 (p < .05);在 6 週不同伸展模式的訓練 後,VT 組在肩關節(盂肱伸展、盂肱屈曲、盂肱外展)與髖關節的活動度(屈曲與伸展)皆顯著高於 SE 組 與 CON 組 (p < .05),而 SE 組僅在髖關節屈曲的活動度顯著高於 CON 組 (p < .05)。因此,本研究的結果顯示, 靜態伸展輔以全身性振動刺激,對於提升高齡者關節活動度之效果優於傳統靜態伸展。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute and long term effects of vibration and stretching training on range of motion (ROM) of shoulder and hip joints in female elderly. Thirty female elderly (≧65 years of age) were participated in this study. The ROM was measured prior to training, then, randomly assigned to vibration-stretching (VT, n = 10), static-stretching (SE, n = 10) or control (CON, n = 10) groups. During the 6 weeks training session, VT group performed static stretching training with vibration (1.5 mm, 25 Hz, 3 × 30s, 7 exercises, 3 times/week) and SE group performed static stretching training (3 × 30s, 7 exercises, 3 times/week). The ROM was measured after completion of the first and 6 weeks training. The data was analyzed by statistical ANCOVA and significance was set at α = .05. The acute phase showed that only VT was significantly increased ROM of glenohumeral adduction (p < .05). In addition, the long term phase showed that VT in ROM of shoulder joint (glenohumeral extension, flexion and rotation) and hip joint (hip extension and flexion) were significantly higher than SE and CON (p < .05) groups, but SE showed significantly higher ROM only in of hip flexion than CON (p < .05). The findings suggested that static stretching training combined with vibration on the improvement of ROM in female elderly was better than static stretching training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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