The trend of having leisure-related programs, departments and graduate institutes in physical education and sport-related colleges and universities has become an important issue in Taiwan. Because of the increase of manpower of leisure services (LS) in senior institutions, there is a strong need to explore possible niche and link of senior institutions and leisure-related programs. The purpose of the study was to explore managers' intention to hire and willingness to pay (WTP) for LS, as well as the factors of recruiting LS manpower for their senior institutions. The total number of registered senior institutions in Taiwan are 80 and 69 of their managers (86.3%) completed the questionnaire in the study. The results showed that (1) managers had positive attitudes toward LS; (2) the percentage of those managers who were willing to hire full/part-time LS professionals and professional LS trainers were 75.4% and 78.3% respectively. Clinical practice experience and related certification are their major considerations when hiring the LS professionals; (3) the price could be predicted by managers' education level, type of management, location and their attitudes toward LS. The average salary of hiring part-time LS professionals and professional LS trainers were NT$ 758.29/hr and NT$ 1,109.70/hr respectively. The study concluded that leisure-related programs and professionals should actively develop LS manpower, establish the LS licensure/certification system and provide LS information to managers to build up professional image and to develop managers' positive attitude toward LS.
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