


Application of Regulatory Focus Theory on Scoring System of Cheerleading




孫美蓮(Mei-Lian Sun)


促進型目標傾向 ; 防禦型目標傾向 ; 評分 ; promotion goal orientation ; prevention goal orientation ; scoring




13卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


250 - 256




任何評審制度都希望作到公平與公正,讓參賽者贏得有價值,輸了之後也能心服口服。競技啦啦隊比賽在國內行之有年,各項比賽之評審制度迭有更新,就98年大專體總所舉辦的比賽而言,評審分為基本技術、體操、實施流程等三組評分,如何讓評基本技術組的評審不會將參賽隊伍的體操或實施流程的表現也加以評分,而造成重複扣分或評分偏差的情形,為本研究的目的。本文加入調節焦點(regulatory focus)理論,研究方法以實驗設計為主,123位曾經參加啦啦隊競賽的大學選手隨機分配至調節焦點(2組)×表演情形(3組)的組別設計。研究結果發現:提示與否會使參與者具有不同的調節焦點傾向,因提示而具有促進型目標傾向的參與者的評分較不易偏差。本研究結論指出,在未提示的情形下,競技啦啦隊的評審會傾向促進型焦點,評分時容易參酌隊伍的其他表現(非本身評分項目)而評出較不合理的分數(不該加分或重複扣分等)。但在提示後,也就是利用調節焦點理論,讓參與者寫下過去與現在的責任與義務而使他具有防禦焦點傾向,具有防禦焦點傾向的個人所評分數也在本文中證明了較具合理性。研究的成果,除了可以幫助競技啦啦隊評審所評分數更貼切外,也可將此方法推廣至其他評審制度,讓評審結果更合理化。


Any scoring system for a sports event is expected to be fair and justify. With a fair and justified scoring system, some participants win the victory and gain respect, whereas, those who lose the game are sincerely convinced. Cheerleading competitions have been held for years in Taiwan and the scoring system has also been updated several times. As for the cheerleading competition organized by Chinese Taipei University Sports Federation in 2009, the scoring criteria include areas of techniques, gymnastics, and flow of routine. The purpose of this study was to help technical judges not score areas of gymnastics and flow of routine, in order to avoid biased evaluation and multiple point deduction. The research method utilized in the study was experimental design, and the regulatory focus theory was included. One hundred twenty-three college students, who were participated in cheerleading competitions were randomly assigned into promotion focus (2 groups) × performance (3 groups) groups. The results reported that hints have impacts on participants' choosing regulatory focus. When having promotion orientation resulted from hints, participants were less likely to achieve biased scores. Furthermore, study results conclude that without hints judges in a cheerleading competition were more likely to be concerned with promotion focus. Also, they were more likely to compare the performance of various teams (rather than scoring the specific criterion) and be biased (additional points or multiple point deduction). However, when the regulatory focus theory was adopted (i.e., judges are given hints), judges were more likely to have defensive focus when being asked to request participants to write down the past and current responsibility and obligations. In addition, the validity of scores given by judges with defensive focus was tested and the rationality was proved. These findings may help to improve the scoring system of cheerleading and provide future references to scoring system for other sports events. This study results also showed the fair and justified scoring system in cheerleading competitions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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