


Prediction of Coach's Locus of Control and Players' Goal Orientation to Coach's Leadership Behavior




王俊明(Junn-Ming Wang)


內控特質 ; 外控特質 ; 工作取向 ; 自我取向 ; 交互作用 ; internal locus of control ; external locus of control ; task orientation ; ego orientation ; interaction




13卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


257 - 266






The purpose of this study was to explore the prediction of coach's locus of control and player's goal orientation to players' perceived coach's leadership behavior. In this study, total twenty five college coaches and four hundred-forty four college division-A players were recruited. The research items were Locus of Control Scale, Goal Orientation Scale, and Coach Leadership Behavior Inventory. The collected data were entered by dual manner, and analyzed by independent t-test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple hierarchical regression analyses. The results were as follows: (1) When the coach had more internal locus of control, the players would perceive higher scores of coach’s leadership behavior. (2) The players with high task orientation would perceive higher scores of coach's leadership behavior than those of the players with low task orientation. (3) When the players faced the coach with different locus of control, the players with low ego orientation would not have good adaptation. Therefore, the study suggested that the coach should promote the players' task orientation, and then the players would have positive perception of coach's leadership behavior. Whether high or low task orientation players, when they faced the coach with internal locus of control would perceive higher coach's leadership behavior, and perceived lower coach's leadership behavior when they faced the coach with external locus of control.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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