


Development of the Chinese Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revision




林啟賢(Chi-Hsian Lin)


意象測量 ; 因素效度 ; 測量恆等性 ; imagery measurement ; factorial validity ; measurement invariance




13卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


289 - 300




本研究目的在編製Hall and Martin的動作意象量表修訂版(Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revision, MIQ-R)為中文版,並檢驗其信度與效度。研究分為二個步驟,步驟一為驗證因素的結構,步驟二為進行測量恆等性檢定。研究對象各為;四及六所大學運動員(二步驟各237位,合計474位)。結果顯示,動作意象量表修訂版包含二個潛在變項;亦即動覺意象能力與視覺意象能力,其理論模式具有可接受的整體適配度、建構信度、幅合效度、區別效度及通過測量恆等性檢定。根據結果,本研究結論:本量表具有良好的信、效度,可作為未來研究競技運動選手動作意象能力的測量工具。


The purpose of this study was to develop the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Revision (MIQ-R) into Chinese version, and to examine its reliability and validity. This study included two procedures. In procedure one, the factor structure was verified, and in procedure two, the measurement invariance of this questionnaire was examined. The subjects for each procedure were four and six collegiate athletes respectively (each procedure included 237 valid questionnaires, total 474 valid questionnaires). The results showed a two-factor oblique model of MIQ-R Scale, named kinesthetic imagery and visual imagery. This theoretical model was found to be good overall fit, construct reliability, convergent validity, discriminate validity, and passed the examination of measurement invariance. It was concluded that the development of the Chinese MIQ-R had provided good reliability and validity. The MIQ-R could be used to assess competitive athletes' movement imagery ability by future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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