


Verification of Specific Judo Training Methods by Physiological Index




侯碧燕(Pi-Yen Ho);劉金龍(Chin-Lung Liu);陳佳慧(Chia-Hui Cheng);張嘉澤(Jia-Tzer Jang)


連攻法 ; 約定摔倒 ; 運動負荷 ; uchi-komi ; judo throwing ; exercise intensity




13卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


309 - 316




本研究主要目的為探討柔道專項訓練方式與負荷,是否符合柔道競賽能量之需求。研究對象為大學男子甲組柔道運動員19名,年齡20.2±1.1歲、身高174.0±5.7公分、體重79.7±11.7公斤、訓練年數6.8±2.6年。方法:研究測試依據訓練模式分為uchi-komi + seoi-nage(US)與約定摔倒(shoulder throw, ST)兩項,兩項測試間隔5分鐘。第一項測試血液參數樣本收集時間為結束後第一分鐘(E1)與第五分鐘(E5)。第二項採血時間則為E1、3、5、7、10及E15分鐘。數據以重複量數單因子變異數進行分析,顯著水準α=.05。結果:第一項測試心跳率隨著負荷頻率增加而上升,第一次10s(second,秒)平均值為146±19 bpm(beat per minute,心跳),第10次則為179±13 bpm,差異+33 bpm(p<.05)。第二項測試第一次與第六次差異+6 bpm(p>0.05)。血液乳酸堆積於第一項測試結束平均值為8.4±1.8 mmol/l,第二項測試結束第一分鐘平均值達14.5±3.1 mmol/l,兩次差異為+6.1 mmol/l(p<.05)。本研究結果發現從心跳率與血液乳酸濃度上升,此測試方式達柔道比賽5分鐘負荷質量。特別是第一項方式,符合柔道比賽於2~3分鐘得勝負荷品質。本研究結論:此兩項診斷方式可作為專項訓練內容。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the specific judo training methods and intensity to exam whether the energy system meet the demand for the judo match. Nineteen collegiate volunteers, the class A male judo players (aged 20.2±1.1 years, height 174.0±5.7 cm, weight 79.7±11.7 kg), who have 6.8±2.6 years training career were participated in this study. Based on the training programs, research tests were divided into Uchi-Komi with Seoi-Nage and throwing test. The interval of the two tests was 5 minutes. In the first test, the blood samples were collected one minute after the test E1 and E5. In the second test, the blood samples were collected at E1, E3, E5, E7, E10 and E15. Data were calculated by one-way analysis of variance, and the significance was set at α=.05. The results showed that in the first test, the palpitation rate was increased as the intensity increased. The average of the first 10 seconds was 146±19 bpm and the 10th was 179±13 bpm. The divergence between two tests was +33 bpm (p <.05). In the second test, the divergence of the 1st and 6th was +6 bpm (p > .05). After the first test, the average of lactic acid in blood was 8.4±1.8 mmol/L (p<.05), while, the average after second test was 14.5±3.1 mmol/L. The divergence was +6.1 mmol/l (p<.05). This study found that as the palpitation rate and lactate acid levels increased, this test met the 5 minutes intensity of judo match. In particular, the first test met intensity of winning a judo match in 2~3 minutes. These two diagnostic tests could be included in specific judo training.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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