


Effect of Group Stretching Training on Functional Fitness for Elderly in Long-Term-Care




蔡存維(Tsuen-Wei Tsai);郭彥宇(Yen-Yu Kuo);蔡櫻蘭(Ying-Lan Tsai)


運動介入 ; 機構安置 ; 虛弱老人 ; exercise intervention ; residential placement ; frail elders




13卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


445 - 452






This study examined the effect of twelve-week group stretching training on functional fitness of elderly in long term care. Twenty subjects were in long term care were volunteered for this study. Subjects were randomly assigned into an exercise group (n = 9; 83 ± 4.41 years old) or control group (n = 11; 82 ± 3.59 years old). The exercise group participated in group stretching training twice a week for twelve-week. All subjects were undergone for functional fitness test and health medicine status questionnaire before and after twelve-week training. Independent t-test was used to analyze the data. The results showed that 30-s chair stand (2.89 ± 2.20 vs. -1.64 ± 1.80 times), grip strength (1.74 ± 2.83 vs. -2.59 ± 4.20 kilogram), 30-s arm curl (2.67 ± 4.03 vs. -2.81 ± 4.24 times), single-foot standing test with eyes-opened (3.26 ± 1.80 vs. -3.83 ± 7.87 sec), functional reach (6.71 ± 7.48 vs. -4.78 ± 3.88 cm), five-meter gait speed (-1.33 ± 1.41 vs. 1.49 ± 1.66 sec) and 2-min step test (23.78 ± 20.17 vs. -17.36 ± 17.19 times) significantly increased after twelve-week group stretching training (TWGST). Therefore, our study results conclude that TWGST may effectively helpful against the decline of strength, flexibility, balance, mobility and cardiorespiratory endurance of elderly individuals in long term care.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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