


Mechanisms of Labor-Employer Fair Relationship for Chinese Professional Baseball League




林錫波(Hsi-Po Lin);高俊雄(Chin-Hsung Kao);林國棟(Kuo-Tung Lin)


規章制度 ; 偏差行為 ; 環境因素 ; rules and regulations ; deviant behavior ; external environmental factors




13卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


337 - 348






The purpose of this study was to explore the unfairness in the regulations and rules made by the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) club, the deviant behavior of the players, and the impact of external environment. The findings were then used to propose a mechanism to safeguard a fair labor-employer relationship. This study was conducted by a semi-structural qualitative interview to 12 practitioners in baseball. And, template analysis method was adopted. The findings were: (1) Problems of organizational justice: the players being released for no reason, the players of low wages, reservation clause, over-restrictions in the free agent system, problems in arbitration system, contract extension, dissatisfaction in pay increase and pay cut, re-registration problem of the released players, the player draft system, the independent agency contract, the occupational accident insurance, and whether to join the player union, etc. (2) Players' deviant behaviors: using drugs, stadium violence, receiving bribes, playing fault games, and disciplinary issues. (3) External environmental factors: economic downturn, commercial mentality of team owners, the effects of globalization, deviant development in player education, and inadequate involvement of the spectators. (4) Mechanism enforces the fair labor-employer relationship in the CPBL: setting professional sports law, autonomous and independent operation of CPBL, reshaping the business objectives of teams, establishing a professional baseball education system, establishing territorial identity, and promoting baseball heroes. CPBL clubs should modify the relevant regulations that accommodate fair labor-employer relationship with the current trend. Stricter codes of law should be enforced to effectively prevent players from involving in illegal conducts. Ethical and legal education should also be implemented to educate players from their bottom of hearts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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