


Influence of Monocular Vision on Dart Location and Releasing Movement of Dart-Throwing




邱文信(Wen-Hsin Chiu);王翰晢(Han-Che Wang)


落點分布 ; 視覺情境 ; 慣用眼 ; 非慣用眼 ; 雙眼 ; dart location distribution ; visual condition ; dominant eye ; non-dominant eye ; visual condition




14卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


32 - 39




本研究主要目的在比較單眼視覺(分成慣用眼及非慣用眼)對於「飛鏢投擲落點」以及「飛鏢離手動作」之影響,以雙眼視覺為對照組。21名未受過投擲飛鏢訓練為參與者,以三種視覺情境(慣用眼、非慣用眼及雙眼)進行飛鏢擲準,透過Vicon 3D動作捕捉系統(100 Hz)擷取飛鏢及人體投擲動作,以及JVC 9800攝影機(100 Hz)拍攝三種視覺情境下飛鏢落點位置,以二因子重複量數變異數檢視不同視覺情境以及落點象限是否有交互作用及達到顯著差異,若達交互作用效果,以多重比較法進行事後比較,並以重複量數單因子變異數分析不同視覺情境下出手動作是否有不同,如達顯著水準則以杜凱氏法進行事後比較。獲得以下結果:一、慣用眼在「偏移量」顯著高於雙眼視覺,進一步分析發現慣用眼投擲的垂直偏移量顯著高於雙眼。二、三種視覺情境落點在四種象限分布情形並無顯著差異。三、不同視覺下之「瞄準位置」、「出手位置」、「出手速度」以及「投擲角度」並不會因為視覺的不同而產生顯著差異。本研究結論:根據研究結果,發現單眼視覺的確造成落點偏移,進一步探討發現慣用眼容易造成垂直偏移現象,非慣用眼則會落在目標點左下方居多,但單眼視覺並不會明顯影響出手相關運動學,顯示身體其他知覺能彌補視覺對於動作的影響。


The visual system has been shown to be important in the postural control. However, the influence of visual system on the performance of goal-directed aiming task, especially for the movement of dart-leaving and the analysis of the placement remain unclear. The purpose of the study was to compare the differences of various visual conditions (binocular vision, the dominant eye and the non-dominant eye) for dart-throwing. Twenty-one subjects, under three different visual conditions were voluntarily participated in this study. In order to obtain throwers' performance including segmental motion and dart location, we used a high speed camera (100 Hz) to collect data, and repeated one-way ANOVA (α = .05) was adopted to compare the difference among the three visual conditions. The results were as follows: 1. The deviation of dart location of monocular vision was higher than that of binocular vision. 2. The vertical deviation of dart location of monocular vision was also higher than that of binocular vision. 3. The velocity of dart-leaving, the angle of throwing, the location of aiming and hand among the three visual conditions didn't achieve significant differences. It was concluded that the throwing motion of different visual conditions were not significantly different, but the information from binocular vision would be helpful for the trajectory judgment of dart-throwing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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