The visual system has been shown to be important in the postural control. However, the influence of visual system on the performance of goal-directed aiming task, especially for the movement of dart-leaving and the analysis of the placement remain unclear. The purpose of the study was to compare the differences of various visual conditions (binocular vision, the dominant eye and the non-dominant eye) for dart-throwing. Twenty-one subjects, under three different visual conditions were voluntarily participated in this study. In order to obtain throwers' performance including segmental motion and dart location, we used a high speed camera (100 Hz) to collect data, and repeated one-way ANOVA (α = .05) was adopted to compare the difference among the three visual conditions. The results were as follows: 1. The deviation of dart location of monocular vision was higher than that of binocular vision. 2. The vertical deviation of dart location of monocular vision was also higher than that of binocular vision. 3. The velocity of dart-leaving, the angle of throwing, the location of aiming and hand among the three visual conditions didn't achieve significant differences. It was concluded that the throwing motion of different visual conditions were not significantly different, but the information from binocular vision would be helpful for the trajectory judgment of dart-throwing.
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