


Comparisons of Body Feelings and Exercise Dependence in Female Aerobic Dancers with Different Body Perception and Body Discrepancy




張志成(Chiu-Chen Chang)


身體意象 ; 外表評價 ; 體型滿意度 ; 運動行為 ; body images ; appearance evaluation ; body satisfaction ; exercise behaviors




14卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


197 - 207




本研究旨在比較女性有氧舞蹈者主觀、客觀體型知覺及體型誤認在體型感受與運動依賴的差異。研究對象為隨機選取之171位女性有氧舞蹈者,平均年齡37.33 ± 9.08歲,徵求同意後讓其填寫體型知覺、外表評價、體型滿意度、運動依賴等問卷,所得資料以多變量變異數分析處理。獲得結果為:不同主觀、客觀體型知覺及體型誤認在體型感受、運動依賴差異達顯著水準,事後比較顯示瘦、標準在外表評價、體型滿意度高於胖、過胖(或過重、肥胖);無體型誤認則高於有體型誤認。除持續性構面,瘦、標準在戒斷症狀、缺乏控制、耐受性、活動削減、意圖影響低於胖、過胖(或過重、肥胖);無體型誤認在耐受性、意圖影響則低於胖、過胖(或過重、肥胖)。結論指出體型誤認與外表、身材自我評價有關,且誤認過胖易誘發違常運動行為特質。最後即針對女性參與者之意象知覺及運動行為提出實務應用及後續研究之相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of body feelings and exercise dependence in female aerobic dancers with different subjective and objective body perception and body discrepancy. One hundred and one female aerobic dancers (aged: 37.33 ± 9.08 years) were randomly recruited from the fitness center. After providing the informed consent, participants were asked to respond to body perception, appearance evaluation, body satisfaction and exercise dependence questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance. The results were as follows: The body feelings and exercise dependence were significant differences between different subjective and objective body perception and body discrepancy. Posthoc test revealed that thinness and normal body had higher level of appearance evaluation and body satisfaction than fat and excessive fat (or overweight and obesity). The non body discrepancy groups had higher than those discrepancies of body discrepancy groups. In addition to continuance dimensions, thinness and normal had lower level of withdrawal, lack of control, tolerance, reduction in other activities and intention effect compared to those fat and excessive fat (or overweight and obesity). The non body discrepancy groups had lower tolerance and intention effect than discrepancies of body discrepancy groups. It was concluded that the body discrepancy is associated with the self-evaluation of a figure, and discrepancies between subjects and objects body image can induce extraordinary exercise behavior. Therefore, suggestions based on practical application might propose further research to evaluate body image perception and develop healthy exercise behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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