


Physical Activity-Related Belief, Behavior, and the Influence of Peers in Adolescent




徐美玲(Meei-Ling Shyu);洪文綺(Wen-Chi Hung);黃淑貞(Sheu-Jen Huang)


焦點團體 ; 價值信念 ; 身體活動 ; 同儕支持 ; focus group ; value ; physical activity ; peers support




14卷4期(2012 / 12 / 31)


428 - 437






The purpose of this study was to explore the related beliefs that could influence adolescents' physical activity and the role of peer groups play in this regard. One-hundred and sixty seven participants were randomly chosen from seven junior colleges in Taiwan, and fourteen group interviews were conducted. The analyzed data reveals that adolescents' physical activity was significantly associated with two positive value beliefs, including ”physical activity is beneficial to physical and emotional well-being” and ”physical activity brings high additional values.” The data also showed two negative value beliefs, including ”academic performance is more important than physical activity” and ”inactive personality leads to physical inactive.” Our findings further indicate that adolescents would reduce physical activity, if the academic workload increased. There were two types of extra-curriculum physical activities, including the routine daily life activities and energy-consuming recreational physical activities. These findings suggest that physical activity strengthened the friendship among the adolescents. However, it is not only the way for connecting friends. Peers were the source for support of regular physical activity, and inspired their intrinsic motivation also important.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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