


Characteristics of Inhibitory Motor Control in Elite Soccer Players: The Importance of Aerobic Exercise Ability




張武業(Wu-Yeh Chang);施俊名(Chun-Ming Shih);王駿濠(Chun-Hao Wang);阮啟弘(Chi-Hung Juan)


競技運動 ; 身體適能 ; 認知功能 ; competitive sport ; physical fitness ; cognitive function




15卷1期(2013 / 03 / 31)


40 - 53




本研究的主要目的為瞭解優秀足球運動員動作反應能力的特性,以及有氧適能所扮演的重要性。本研究選擇15位國家級足球運動員,採用不具運動特殊性的停止信號作業,在實驗室測量其抑制性的動作控制能力,另外選擇15位年齡及性別相仿的非運動員作為一般對照組。此外,再以PACER(progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run)評估所有研究參與者的有氧適能。研究結果發現:除了足球運動員比非運動員有較短的停止信號反應時間之外,在動作反應時間、失敗抑制反應及失敗抑制反應時間皆無發現組間的差異。另一方面,中介模式的檢定結果顯示,雖然組別與停止信號反應時間的表現有統計關聯性,然而當加入有氧適能因素之後,組別對停止信號反應時間的預測力明顯下降,顯示有氧適能為完全中介因子(full mediator)。本研究結論顯示即使抽離運動相關情境,足球運動員仍具有較佳的抑制控制功能。然而,組間的效果可能主要是受到有氧適能的調節。鑒於這些發現,本文建議未來可以嘗試招募不同層級的運動選手,並測量他們的有氧適能,以進一步瞭解技能的高低是否會與有氧適能產生交互作用。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference between elite athletes and non-athletes in non-sport-specific fundamental cognitive function, as well as the role of aerobic fitness in modulating this difference. Fifteen male elite soccer players and fifteen age-matched male non-athletes were recruited. Both groups performed a stop-signal task with no sport-specific design, while their inhibitory control performance was measured. In addition, the aerobic fitness level among participants was evaluated using the PACER test (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run). The results showed that soccer players had faster stop-signal reaction times (SSRT) relative to non-athletes, whereas no differences were found in go RTs, non-cancelled go RT and error rates. Subsequent analysis indicated that although an association was observed between groups (soccer players/non-athletes) and SSRT, this association was significantly reduced when aerobic fitness was taken into account. These results suggested that aerobic fitness might play a role in this association. Our findings concluded that superiority in inhibitory control in soccer players can be seen outside of a sport-specific context. However, this effect may be due to the consequence of aerobic fitness levels. Future research studies may necessary to address the interaction between athletic skill and aerobic fitness levels on fundamental cognitive functions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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