This study aimed to develop a physical education affection scale for college students based on the expected value theory (Eccles & Wigfield, 1995), broaden-and-build theory (Fredrickson, 2001) and attribution theory (Weiner, 2002). This study consisted of three phases, and total 130, 328 and 512 college students served as subjects in each phase respectively. The first phase provided item analysis, exploratory factor analysis and internal-consistency; the second phase provided, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability and average variance; and the third phase was the examination on measurement invariance. The obtained results were as follows; there were 12 questions under 3 factors, including ”value”, ”expectation”, and ”positive emotions”. The validity, reliability as well as measurement invariance of the index gained positive results. This study concludes that the scale was suitable for inspection of the affection among college students. Furthermore, the motivation as well as emotional response could be measured through the scale.
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