


Development of Physical Education Class Affection Scale for College Students




邱奕銓(Yi-Chuan Chiu);洪升呈(Sheng-Cheng Hung);周宏室(Hung-Shih Chou)


期望價值理論 ; 測量不變性 ; 擴大建立理論 ; 歸因理論 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; expected value theory ; measurement invariance ; broaden-and-build theory ; attribution theory ; confirmatory factor analysis




15卷2期(2013 / 06 / 30)


182 - 194




本研究目的為根據Eccles and Wigfield(1995)的期望價值理論、正向心理學中Fredrickson(2001)的擴大建立理論及Weiner(2002)的歸因理論為基礎架構,發展適合測量大學生體育課之情意量表。以大專校院學生為樣本,研究方法共分為三個階段,有效樣本總計970份,各階段之樣本分別為130位、328位與512位大學生。第一階段為項目分析、探索性因素分析、內部一致性等程序;第二階段為驗證性因素分析與效標關聯分析等程序,並且提供聚合效度、區別效度、組合信度與平均變異數抽取量等資訊;第三階段則為測量的不變性檢驗。研究結果顯示量表包含「價值」、「期望」與「正向情感」等3個因素12個題目,另外,量表具有良好之信效度及測量不變性。本研究結論為本量表適用於大學生情意之檢測,透過量表可測量學生體育課動機與情感的反應。


This study aimed to develop a physical education affection scale for college students based on the expected value theory (Eccles & Wigfield, 1995), broaden-and-build theory (Fredrickson, 2001) and attribution theory (Weiner, 2002). This study consisted of three phases, and total 130, 328 and 512 college students served as subjects in each phase respectively. The first phase provided item analysis, exploratory factor analysis and internal-consistency; the second phase provided, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability and average variance; and the third phase was the examination on measurement invariance. The obtained results were as follows; there were 12 questions under 3 factors, including ”value”, ”expectation”, and ”positive emotions”. The validity, reliability as well as measurement invariance of the index gained positive results. This study concludes that the scale was suitable for inspection of the affection among college students. Furthermore, the motivation as well as emotional response could be measured through the scale.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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