The purpose of this study was to explore the level of leisure participation, leisure activity types and leisure activity styles among Kaohsiung city residents. Since leisure is culturally and regionally contextualized, we noted that leisure activity list developed in North America is not applicable to Taiwan. Thus, we employed Yeh, Hsu, and Chick's (2011) Taiwan leisure activity list which was developed by using free-listing technique. This study population was Kaohsiung city residents with an average age over 18 years. Data were collected in July-September, 2008 from 11 city administrative zones, and 274 questionnaires were analyzed. The study revealed that (1) most frequently participated leisure activities of Kaohsiung city residents, including watching TV, listening to music, reading, sleeping, internet, walking, eating, chatting and tea drinking that are mostly indoors, passive and social activities, (2) seven leisure activity types were identified, including physical, consumptive, cultural, travel, internet, hike and urban types, and (3) Kaohsiung city residents possessed outdoors, indifference, consumption and entertainment, internet, and physical leisure activity styles. Based on our results, three conclusions were drawn: (1) leisure activities can be divided into core and balance categories. (2) the respondents can be categorized as leisure rich, leisure average and leisure impoverished groups. (3) leisure activity style, with the aid of demographics, was useful tool for business marketing and promotion. Recommendations were made for business, government and general public. Contributions and implications for leisure research were also disclosed.
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