The main objective of this study was to understand the current status of regular exercise behavior among university students. Furthermore, the determinants of students' intention to participate in regular exercise were examined by employing the theory of planned behavior (TPB). This study adopted the convenience sampling procedure, and data were collected from 442 students of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Tungnan University, respectively. According to the Ajzen's (2007) TPB questionnaire construction procedures, we developed this research instrument based on the outcomes of the proposed open-ended questions. The major findings were as follows: (a) respondents had positive tendencies toward taking part in regular exercise, while about 22% of them had cultivated a habit of regular exercise; (b) the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control explained 42% unique variance in intentions of involving in regular exercise; (c) the TPB was found to be better than TRA (theory of reasoned action) in predicting the behavioral intention of students to participate in regular exercise; and (d) along with three TPB predictors, two other variables, including parent's habit of regular exercise and their habit of watching sports programs on TV, would provide additional variance that may explain regular exercise behavioral intention. These findings conclude that practitioners can formulate effective strategies to strengthen the subject's attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. Furthermore, combined participation of parents and children in exercise, and watching sports programs on TV may enhance their intention of participating in regular exercise.
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