


Development of Sport Motivation Scale for College Athletes




陳東韋(Tung-Wei Chen)


自我決定理論 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 測量恆等性 ; self-determination theory ; confirmatory factor analysis ; measurement invariance




16卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


387 - 402




本研究之目的為延續國內現有林季燕、季力康(2003)「運動動機」之研究,依據Deci and Ryan(1985, 1990)的自我決定理論為基礎架構,發展適合測量大專運動員之運動動機量表。以各大專校院之運動選手為樣本,研究方法共分為三個階段,有效樣本總計1,603份,各階段之樣本分別為378位、393位與832位大專選手。第一階段為訪談編製題項、項目分析、探索性因素分析、內部一致性等程序;第二階段為驗證性因素分析與效標關聯分析等程序,並且提供聚合效度、區別效度、組合信度與平均變異數抽取量等資訊;第三階段則為測量的恆等性檢定。結果顯示量表包含「內在動機」、「整合調節」、「認同調節」、「內射調節」、「外在調節」與「無動機」等六個構面因素22個題目,再依理論與近期文獻將「整合調節」、「認同調節」合併成為「自主的外在動機」二階構面,「外在調節」、「內射調節」合併成為「控制的外在動機」之二階構面,再經競爭模式之比較,從各項指標顯示量表具有良好之信效度且具有測量之恆等性。本研究結論為本量表適用於大專運動員動機之檢測,透過量表可測量運動員動機的反應。


The purpose of this study was to extend the existed sport motivation study (Lin & Chi, 2003) and adopted Deci and Ryan (1985, 1990) self-determination theory to develop a suitable sport motivation scale for college athletes. In this study, 1,603 college athletes were participated and completed in three stages. The first study (n=378) was to develop a questionnaire manuscript and examine items analysis, factor structure and internal consistency. The second study (n=393) used confirm factor analysis to confirm the factor structure and examine criterion-related validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability and average variance extracted. The third study with 832 participants was to examine the measurement equivalence. Results showed that the newly developed 22-item sport motivation scale indicated with 6 factors, including intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, identified regulation, interjected regulation, external regulation and a motivation. Further, we adopted recent literature and combined integrated regulation and identified regulation into a new dimension entitled "autonomous extrinsic motivation" as second-order factor; and combined external regulation and interjected regulation into a new dimension entitled "controlled extrinsic motivation" as another second-order factor. Through the alternative model comparisons, the measurement equivalence indicated that our scale provides good reliability and validity. We concluded that our sport motivation scale has proved to be suitable for assessing the athlete motivation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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